Page 77 of Imperfect Match

Before I can reply and tell her that she never has to thank me, there’s a small knock on the bedroom door.

When I open the door, Mrs. Kowalski is patiently waiting with a tea tray.

“Can I get you both some early dinner, sir? Mrs. Hawthorne hasn’t eaten anything since last night.”

Daisy is beside me in the next second. Without thought, I throw my arms around her waist for support.

“You didn’t have breakfast?” I feel the irritation returning to my voice.

“You neither,” she replies with equal fervor.

I’m not used to people butting heads with me at every step, but I didn’t expect anything less from my wife. I can’t stop smiling at my own stupidity.

“People call me competitive, Mrs. Hawthorne, but if they saw you, I’d easily be dethroned.”

After giving me a satisfied smirk, Daisy turns to Mrs. Kowalski. “I’m not very hungry. But since I have to take the meds, can I please get a glass of milk?”


“No, you’ve said enough tonight, Charles. In case you’ve forgotten, you’re not my master.”

Once Mrs. Kowalski leaves, I shut the door and follow Daisy toward the closet. “I’m not trying to be difficult, but I’m not going to sit silent when I see that your safety is compromised. I can’t let that happen.”

Doesn’t she know I’d sell my soul to protect her from any harm?

Did you know this before today, Hawthorne?

Daisy’s irritated, furrowed forehead relaxes. “I know, and that’s the only reason I listened.”

After her dinner of a glass of milk and a quick shower she insisted on because she didn’t want to smell like dust and debris, Daisy changes into another of her cute pajamas before slipping under the covers. When I step into the bathroom, next to my black towel on the towel rack is her purple one. Beside my toiletries in black packaging, her floral and colorful bottles stand out, making me aware of how much my life has changed.

I step into the shower and turn on the water, and for some reason the first droplet is enough to suck me back to when I found Daisy crammed in a corner with tears racing down her cheeks. My mouth goes dry, even as I’m surrounded by mist, and before my brain can freeze fully, I remind myself that she’s safe and mostly unharmed. I crush my fists over my eyes, willing myself to stay with that emotion of relief and nothing else. When my heartbeat has finally calmed down, I step out, dry myself, and brush my teeth. I throw my toothbrush next to hers in the holder. The pink and gray bristles touch as I turn away.

Returning to the bedroom, my gaze slants to Daisy’s small frame asleep on the bed.

I softly amble toward the couch and close my eyes. Images of her trapped under the rubble fill my headspace once again.

When I get up, my mouth is dry and my T-shirt is soaked in sweat.

What the fuck?

In a split second, I turn around to find Daisy safely sleeping on my bed. My hands fucking shake as I grab a glass of water before resting my head once again against the pillow.

Eyes closed, I try to think of something else, something where Daisy isn’t at risk.

My wife in her wedding dress swaying side to side with her dad on the dance floor.

A zing zips through my chest as I remember the happiness on Jason’s face as if right in this moment, every other problem of his life is insignificant.

You’ll never get to experience that emotion, Charles, a tiny voice whispers, but I crush it before it has a chance to expand.

Instead, I remind myself that Jason might have enjoyed every part of Daisy’s wedding, but he’s not going to remember anything.

Next time I’m jerked out of sleep, it’s not because of my dreams, but Daisy’s wild cry.

I turn on the nightlight to find her thrashing, with the duvet thrown on the floor. I rush to her as tears continue racing down her cheeks, soaking the pillowcase and her hair in their wake.

“Daisy?” I call her name softly a few times, but it’s like my voice doesn’t even reach her.