The day Rowan became selectively mute, his mom arranged extensive sign language classes for all of us. Eventually, we all became well-versed, and there hasn’t been a day when Ro’s unspoken words haven’t been heard.
“But what’s the difference? Charlie has to fill an open position in his life—a wife for the cameras. Just imagine if there was a way he could find the perfect woman, and she’d get paid well like any other working person for a job well done. Am I the only one who sees no wrong in this?”
I must be really insane, because Archer’s idea doesn’t sound so horrible.
No fear of feelings. No stress of attachment.
Everything professional, just the way I like things in my life.
“And what would be the job description for such a position, smartass?” Ray flicks a salted cashew toward Archie.
“Specific to the job and the potential husband.” Archer grins, tapping away on his iPad. “So, for Charlie, we’d need a social butterfly, someone who not only tolerates people but thrives in the spotlight. She’ll have to compensate for your lack of social skills, after all.”
He’s in the middle of typing when Rowan jumps in, apparently forgetting his initial opposition.
“She’ll also need to have a thick skin. How else will she survive the shitstorm and scrutiny the media is going to throw her way? Everyone is itching to see Charlie tied down.”
Yes, it’s certified. I’ve gone crazy, because I start to feel bad for my fictional, fake wife.
“And don’t forget about Grandma Irene Hawthorne’s seal of approval.” Ray grins.
“Not you too,” I groan, shaking my head.
“I’m shocked that you still don’t see the benefit of this process. Just imagine, you can find the perfect girl who fits all the bills.” Archer gives me a look like I’m missing the obvious.
But what if I want the most imperfect girl and to watch her trying to fit all the bills not because I’m Charles Hawthorne but because I’m enough?
“Still not convinced?”
When I don’t reply to his remark, Ray drawls, “Maybe Charlie is worried that she won’t be pretty?”
“Enough about me, what about you? What would be on your list for a potential fake wife?” I volley his smirk right back at him. The thought of this perfect girl on paper is giving me a headache and false hope.
“Long legs, for sure. And a killer sense of humor. I can’t deal with a girl who’s too uptight.”
The evening progresses until four printed papers grace the table, each listing the characteristics of the perfect fake wife for everyone except Alex. None of us would dare make such a list for him.
For one, we all know who’s perfect for him. And secondly, if anyone can convince him of that, it’s her. But she’s chosen to move miles away to France.
I hate him for the pain he’s causing her.
But at the same time, I admire him for standing up for what he believes is right, especially for her.
“So, when is the job offer going out for the new Mrs. Hawthorne?” Alex tilts his head toward the pages, flashing a dimpled grin.
“And here I thought at least you would behave like a grown-up and give some real advice.”
“You’re better off without my advice in this department, brother.”
“You’ve got to be kidding me!” A groan escapes me as I step out and spot Jimmy’s car in the parking lot.
Seeing his face first thing in the morning two days in a row couldn’t make for a worse start to the week.