“Why don’t you worry about your own secrets, sis? Because if my sources are correct, your dad didn’t have an appointment at the hospital today.”
I gasp. “Are you spying on my dad?”
“Don’t be dramatic. Jason texted me about going on a hike with Kai and invited me along.” Ray pushes his phone toward me, revealing a picture my father sent just an hour ago of him and Kai having a picnic in the forest.
Ray had replied with a thumbs-up emoji. I’m about to scroll up, but before I can read anything further, he snatches his phone back.
“You talk to my dad? How did he even get your number?”
“He asked at the last Christmas party.” Ray shrugs as if it’s no big deal.
But don’t I know how seriously these men take their privacy? Charles’ private number is shared with fewer than ten people, and I’m sure the same is true for Ray.
“Why would you do that?”
“He’s a good, genuine person, unlike most people these days.” He raises an eyebrow. “So, are you going to tell me why you’re hanging around the OB-GYN department dressed like a teenager?”
Within the next second, my brain has crafted lies ranging from meeting a friend who just had a baby to picking up some stuff from a neighbor, who’s a doctor in that wing. But for some reason, the words remain trapped in my throat.
Looks like I’ve finally consumed my daily quota of lying.
“I had my first appointment…at the OB-GYN.”
“Does Charlie know?” Unlike my pounding heart, Ray’s voice is calmer than an instructor on a meditation app.
“He doesn’t need to.” I shake my head. Do I care about him telling Charles? Maybe a little, but it will come out eventually. It’s not like I can hide this from Charles forever.
“May I ask how you reached that conclusion?”
“Can you stop doing that? Speaking in that ice-cold voice,” I blurt, running my hands over my arms involuntarily. “It’s giving me chills over here.”
Ray finally loses his stoic expression and runs a hand over his face.
“What’s going on, Daisy? Why isn’t Charlie with you?”
“He doesn’t know,” I whisper. “He doesn’t want kids.”
“Isn’t it a bit late for that?”
“It was a mistake,” I whisper slowly.
If I thought I knew how Raymond Teager looks when he’s angry, I was horribly mistaken.
If looks could kill, I’d be burning in flames right now.
“I expected a better answer from you, Daisy, at least on this matter. Coming from someone who was taken in by strangers, the word mistake sounds a bit harsh, wouldn’t you agree?”
I stiffen at his venomous tone.
“Charles told you about my childhood?” My words are low, embarrassed and annoyed, but he shakes his head.
“You really think we wouldn’t do a background check on the girl our cousin marries?”
“If you know everything, then don’t you know how Charles feels about babies?”
So many emotions fly across Ray’s face, yet he remembers to cover Quill’s visible ear with his hand.
“How does that fucking matter now? You’re pregnant. He’s going to be a father. With all due respect, his feelings can go fuck themselves.”