Page 43 of Imperfect Match

“I still can’t do it.” I fold my arms over my chest, even when it’s an ordeal to pull away from Charles’ magic.

“Why not? Tell me your second reason.”

“Charles, stop counting my reasons and think carefully. What will happen after you become the CEO?”

“I’d like to get the position first before I start making grand plans for the future. But I guess for us, we should stay married for some more time to avoid any unwanted suspicions. So I’d say we remain married for a year or maybe even two.”

“Then what? Have you thought about the media, which is constantly running behind you with a camera? Do you think they won’t be interested to know why Charles Hawthorne is all of a sudden wifeless?”

“Couples divorce all the time, Daisy. Especially rich ones.” He pauses as if his crazy thoughts are interrupted by some bigger annoyance. “Will it be okay for you?”

“Let me see. Was it in my life plan to get divorced before I’m even twenty-five? No, not really.” I huff. “You know, I won’t even be able to live in this town, if I agree to this madness.”

He pauses for a second as if he hasn’t considered anything beyond us getting married, and then he asks in a low voice, “Is there anywhere you’ve wanted to live outside of Cherrywood?”

My mind immediately goes to all the postcards Mom and I used to collect of Italy. Our small family had big plans to travel around the world once Mom and Dad retired, but none of those came true. If I had the chance, would I leave Cherrywood? A year before, I might have considered it. I’ve lived all my life in this town, and as much as I love its charm, I know there’s a whole world beyond these majestic mountains that protect Cherrywood.

But today, there’s nothing more important than Dad.

“I can’t leave Cherrywood, not for the foreseeable future.”

“How long is that? Five years? Ten?” Charles asks sincerely, unaware of what he’s really asking me.

How long will my dad be around to need my support?

I swallow back the lump in my throat. “I…I don’t know, and I don’t like this question. Please.”

I swing my gaze away from his face. Silence lingers between us until he clears his throat.

“I didn’t mean to disturb you. But what if we don’t put an end date to this marriage?”

“Why the heck would you want to stay in a fake marriage indefinitely? What if you’re at some fancy party, sulking at the bar, and you meet a pretty girl who’s just as stuck-up as you? You click instantly, but oops! You can’t do a thing because you’re ‘married’ to your assistant.” My voice takes on a growl. I equally hate the scenario and also the fact that I’m the one reminding him of it.

“Number one, I don’t go to parties.” He raises one finger up, his face bored, as if I’m wasting his precious time. “Second, I don’t believe in the soulmate bullshit.”

“What if I do?” I seethe. “What if I go to a party and meet my soulmate, only to realize I’m married to my superrich, dense boss?”

His nostrils flare as if he’s daring me to even think about someone else, but the next second, he looks away and the spell breaks.

“How about we discuss the ending of this relationship after I’ve taken charge as the CEO? We’ll keep everything low-key, including our married lives. I’m sure in a few months we’ll be old news, and when we decide to separate, we can do it silently.”

“I…I still can’t do it, Charles.”

“I’ll buy you a house anywhere you want. Hell, I’ll get you three. You’ll receive a million dollars for every year we stay married, and every year after that, you’ll get a hefty alimony—”

“Stop! Please. I’m not an auction piece you can keep raising your bid on.” I place my hands over my ears.

Shame washes over me like an acidic downpour. I hate that even after knowing Charles’ proposal is completely insane, my brain can’t stop crunching numbers. That would be more than enough to cover Dad’s extra medical bills and anything else he might need.

“Fuck. I…I didn’t mean to be a total asshole, Daisy. I’m just desperate.” Charles’ face is sincerely contrite.

“I know, and if I could, I would help you, Charles. I know what’s on the line here. But I can’t marry you.” He’s about to say something, but I hold my hands forward. “Despite you having answers to all my reasons, there’s one even you can’t solve.”

I admire his one raised brow as if silently grumbling, “Bring it on, Daisy.”

“I want to marry for love. I watched my parents together, so in love that it was impossible to even breathe without the other. I want that for myself. And as much as I respect you, I don’t love you. I’m sorry, but my answer is no.”

This time when I storm out of his office, Charles doesn’t stop me.