Page 18 of Imperfect Match

When my forefathers built this town, they had a vision—bringing prosperity while keeping traditions alive. And I want to be a part of that legacy and make my contribution to leave a mark. I was ready to work hard and give my everything, but I didn’t know it’d demand the only thing I’m scared of—intimacy, allowing someone to get close to me and giving them an opportunity to hurt me.

The car comes to a halt, and I’m snapped out of my thoughts. Steve opens the door, and I step out to find my mother waiting for me at the entrance. Kristy Hawthorne, dressed in a casual chiffon dress and high heels, her red curls resting over her shoulders, looks as stunning as the day Dad and I proposed to her together. While she may not be my birth mother, I know she loves me just as much as she does my half sister, Chloe, and worries about me probably more.

“Mom, you really don’t have to wait for me at the door every time. I always feel like I’m late for an appointment.” I inhale her floral scent, which is synonymous with home to me.

“I love waiting for my son. Don’t you even dare ask me to change my habit, Charlie.” She pats my cheeks like I’m four.

“If it makes you happy, I won’t.” With my arm around her shoulders, I guide us inside. A house staff member takes my coat and laptop case before we enter the dining room. My great-grandmother, or GG, my grandmother, and Dad are already seated at their places.

I make my way to GG, who’s sitting at the head of the table, ready to win the award for being the best-dressed person. Her short white hair is styled to perfection. Her huge black frames hide her small eyes as they crinkle with warmth. I’m enveloped by the puff of the oversized sleeves of her yellow pantsuit when I hug her, and her many bracelets jingle when she pats my cheeks.

“How have you been, peanut?”

“I stopped being a peanut long ago, GG.”

“Oh, you’ll forever be my peanut.” Her beaming smile radiates as she adjusts her necklaces. “How do I look today?”

“Stunning, as always. I’m surprised you don’t have fashion reporters after you. You’d go viral in a heartbeat.”

Her eyes shine as she mashes her lips together to hold back that wide grin and leans in. “Don’t tell your grandmother, but Chloe is already talking to Vogue about my interview. Do you know I have a fashion portfolio now?”

I chuckle. Chloe and GG have been partners in crime since my sister was a kid.

“If you need any help or want to speed things up, just give me a call. I’ll make it my top priority.”

Her smile widens as she pats my cheeks once again before I move over to my grandmother. As opposed to GG, she’s dressed in a burgundy dress and a matching jacket.

“Charles.” She kisses both my cheeks. “How have you been?”

“Can’t complain, Grandma. How are you?”

“I’m okay. Had some meetings this week with our trust fund managers. My team will email you all the information tomorrow.” Grandma Irene has always cared about the Hawthorne name and its glory, sometimes even over her own children’s interests.

I’m both intimidated and awed by her determination. After Grandfather’s passing and my father’s decision to officially step back from the family business, she became the face of the Hawthorne family, and she excelled at it. I know I have big shoes to fill.

“I look forward to it, Grandma.”

Finally, I reach Dad, and we share a hug before I take the chair beside him.

“How’s it going, Ace?” he asks.

“Can’t complain. How about you?”

“All’s under control.” My dad rarely discusses work at the table, perhaps his way of ensuring no one catches wind of his involvement with Hawthorne businesses or how deeply he’s immersed behind the scenes.

As we eat, conversation flows about upcoming town holiday events, with GG reminiscing about how she and Great-granddad used to dress up and attend the local Christmas market in disguise. I welcome the distraction.

“By the way, did any of you catch E! News this week?” GG grins, directing her gaze at me, and I groan.

“Not you too.”

“You know the media won’t relent until you give them what they want.” Unlike GG, Grandma Irene’s tone lacks playfulness.

“Irene, the paparazzi just want to boost their own ratings. I’m curious what they’ll spin about my Vogue interview.”

“Mom, we need to discuss this beforehand. You can’t just say anything on camera.” Grandma Irene sets her fork down, fixing her gaze on GG, who simply shrugs.

I know well that GG brought up her interview to shift focus from me, but before I can relax, Grandma Irene’s eyes flicker over to me, proving she’s not someone who can be easily distracted.