My hand claws at his chest, and I know my nails are leaving marks on his flawless skin. But before I can apologize or form a sentence that might sound like an apology, Charles’ thrusts pick up momentum, making me forget everything.
His thumb comes to play with my clit, and it takes another second before I lose it all.
He hides his face in my neck before he falls apart in one final thrust.
We breathe heavily as he drops down beside me with zero finesse.
My eyes are closed, but I hear Charles moving, possibly taking care of the condom.
“Those were some extraordinary moves,” I blurt when he pulls me closer to his chest.
“Thank you so much. I’m glad you approve.” His voice is breathy, and I don’t miss the smile behind it. “Now sleep and you can dream about my moves when they’re still fresh in your mind.”
“You joke about it all you like. But believe me when I say, I’m not going to forget anything about this night, possibly ever.”
“Good morning,” Daisy rasps in her drowsy voice.
“It definitely is a good morning.”
Her eyes move from my face to the clock behind me on the wall, and she almost jerks out of the bed. But I hold her back with my arms around her waist.
“Charles! Why are you not at your office? It’s already nine thirty.”
“Don’t worry. Hawthorne Holdings has a three-day holiday for Christmas.”
“Can you repeat that? Because it sounded like you said holiday.”
“And that’s exactly what I said, my dear wife.” Like always, whenever I call her wife, she sucks in a low breath.
“But there are no special holidays. In fact, I’m amazed the labor department isn’t knocking at your door due to the inhumane working conditions.”
“Inhumane working conditions?” I throw my head back in laughter. “Every employee who works on national holidays is paid more than their fair share. It’s a choice. We don’t force anyone.”
“I never had a choice.” She pins me with her gaze.
“Because you’re special.” I lean forward and tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. “Do you see anyone else on this bed smelling so exquisite?”
She gasps and I love the way her eyes widen. Her face is like a canvas, so easy to read even for a dumb fuck like me who doesn’t understand feelings.
“And what’s the holiday about? Did you just declare Wednesday a rest day instead of Sunday?”
No one cracks me up like her. And now that I can’t and don’t need to hide my laughs and grins from her, I embrace the fresh burst of dopamine every time it bubbles inside me.
“As much as I’m honored that you think so much of me, unfortunately, I don’t have that kind of power. It’s a holiday because it’s my wife’s first Christmas as a Hawthorne. Haven’t you checked your email?”
She looks at me for a second before turning around and grabbing her phone from the nightstand. The cover she’s been tugging close to her neck drops, and I get a perfect view of her slender back.
Dear all,
This is my wife’s first Christmas as a Hawthorne, and from this year on, I declare the next three days a mandatory paid vacation.
I wish you and your loved ones a happy holiday season.