“Shh.” I press a finger to her lips and discreetly tilt my head toward the camera on the ceiling. “As long as we’re together, nothing can go wrong.” My thumb traces her cheek as I hold her face.
But when I lean in and place my lips over hers, nothing else is on my mind. I’m only thinking about my wife and keeping her safe.
Bright camera flashes fire up as the door opens, and I pull away from Daisy and hold her hand in mine, standing before the reporters.
“I’m assuming you were promised gossip. Juicy news that would give your careers a kick and your newspapers or TV channels a major boost. But let me tell you something—I’m not a circus monkey, and neither is my wife. If anyone tries to put her or any other person in my family in harm’s way, I’ll incinerate everything. You wanted news. You wanted the real Charles Hawthorne. Here is the real me for you.”
I tug Daisy closer to me.
“This is Mrs. Charles Hawthorne. My wife, my love, and the most important woman in my life. If anything happens to her, I’ll destroy whoever supported that cause. I’ll keep doing that until there isn’t a single media outlet or newspaper left in this town. And that’s a fucking promise.”
“This is Mrs. Charles Hawthorne. My wife, my love, and the most important woman in my life.”
Charles’ words keep echoing in my mind as I lie down in the middle of his bed. It’s been hours since he dropped me home from the mall, and I’m still struggling to accept that today was real and not just a dream.
Did Charles really show up, once again abandoning his work in the middle of the day?
A knock on the door startles me, and I almost leap out of bed.
Is it him?
However, the door opens slowly, and Mrs. K peeks her head in.
“Can I make you something to eat now, Daisy?”
“Thanks, but I’m really not hungry. Have you heard from Charles?” I ask in return.
“I just got a text from Steve that they’re on their way. Mr. Hawthorne should be home soon.”
After she leaves, I get out of the bed. My phone is flooded with texts from Willow, Elodie, and Violet, all awaiting my response, but I’m too anxious to reply.
I opt to turn on the TV instead. The news coverage about Charles in the hotel is still playing.
I look at myself on the screen, standing beside him, my hand tightly clasped in his. I can still feel his touch, not just on my palm, but the electricity coursing throughout my entire body. On the screen, Charles clears his throat.
“If anything happens to her, I’ll destroy whoever supported that cause. I’ll keep doing that until there isn’t a single media outlet or newspaper remaining in this town. And that’s a fucking promise.”
His words send a swarm of butterflies fluttering in my belly.
Who exactly is this Charles Hawthorne?
“Mrs. Kowalski said you’re not hungry, but I’m starving after playing your superhero again.”
“Charles!” I turn around in a flash, my heart skipping a beat before racing wildly at the sight of him. “When did you get here?”
“When you were busy admiring me on the TV.” His smile is the same one he’s been giving me all week, as if nothing has happened, while I’m feeling exactly the opposite.
How is he not upset or irritated?
I had a whole apology memorized, but now…I don’t think it’s needed.
“I was not admiring you. Plus, you would look horrible in a cape.” My mumbled words seem to cause his grin to only grow.