Page 90 of A Forever Love

My voice drops to a whisper. “Don’t worry, mittens. I’ll make sure you remember tomorrow morning, and later, that this is definitely not a dream. I haven’t forgotten that I’m competing against those men from your smut collection.”

A shocked giggle escapes her lips. “You’re competing against no one. Besides, it’s a good thing those men are fictional. I don’t think half of us girls could handle what they do in real life.”

“Tell me which of those scenes turned you on the most.”

“Carter! I’m not discussing it with you.” Her cheeks flush scarlet, outshining the red lilies on the table. “You’re crazy.”

She attempts to rise, but I capture her hand, pulling her back onto my lap. Her eyes widen and sparkle as my thumb traces her pink lips, catching a bit of her lip stain on my calloused skin.

“About you, always and forever. I want to create a memory on your first birthday with us as a real couple, so be honest, mittens.”

“Nothing has ever quickened my pulse like this. I’m eager to hear your next words that might send my heart racing. Yet, I fear these moments are just a prelude to something ominous, a day when your feelings for me might change. I’m angry at myself for doubting you, and at the same time, I’m so overwhelmed by these emotions that I don’t know whether to cry or scream. Please believe me when I say that nothing in my life has ever compared to this.” When I look at her, dumbstruck, she asks, “Was that too much honesty?”

“You have no idea what your words do to me. I wish I could somehow banish all your fears in an instant, yet I also want to cherish every moment, proving to you day by day that this”—I gesture between us—“is all for keeps, mittens.”

Her eyes flutter closed before she gazes at me. “Will you kiss me now?”



My eyes snap open at the sound of the doorbell. For a moment, I consider ignoring it and nestling my face back into the soft strands of Merida’s hair, inhaling the lingering scent of jasmine from her perfume. Before I can shut my eyes, the bell rings again.

“Mere, someone’s at the door,” I murmur, gently shaking her. It takes her a moment to register my words, and then she leaps out of bed.

“Dad? Is it Dad?” Her face turns pale, her voice laced with panic, sending a nervous chill down my spine.

Fuck! I hope it’s not Keith. This isn’t how I planned to tell him everything.

I reach for my phone on the nightstand and quickly check the live feed from the security camera I installed when I moved in. My teeth clench.

It’s not Keith. But it’s also not someone better.

“It’s Uncle Connor.” My grip tightens around the phone.

“What? Crap! Crap! Crap!” Merida is already scrambling to put on her clothes, and I do the same as she scans the surroundings. “I’ll hide in the bathroom, okay?”

She tries to make a beeline to the door when I tug her back in place. “We have to tell them someday. Why not now?”

Her eyes widen, and a heavy lump forms in my throat. Before doubt can take hold, Merida clutches my hand. “No! Dad has to be the first person to know about us. I also don’t want him or anyone else to catch me in your bedroom before that. I hate to ask this, but please don’t tell Uncle Connor anything. Please.”

Her words leave an uneasy feeling in my gut. “I don’t have any doubt about this, Mere. Do you?”

“Wh-what are you saying?” She gasps. “You don’t even know how long I’ve wanted this.”

Before I can fully process her words, the doorbell rings again, and my phone goes off at the same time. I plant a tender kiss on Mere’s forehead, trying to ease the sting of leaving in the midst of our conversation.

I hear her slip into the bathroom as I swiftly stow her heels and handbag in the coat closet.

When I swing the door open, Uncle Connor is waiting with a smile that’s about as genuine as a clown’s painted-on grin. “I thought I’d have to leave a note at your door, Carter.”

“I didn’t know you were in town.” My tone is flat as he wheels into the living room.

“Since you didn’t come to see me last night, I had to make the visit myself.” His eyes narrow briefly as he scans every nook of my living space. “It’s a bright, beautiful day. Why haven’t you drawn the curtains?” He nods toward the floor-to-ceiling balcony window.

Fuck! The flowers, the champagne, the candles—everything is still out there.

“I was asleep. I don’t need it bright,” I reply, but I can’t stop him from moving further in and drawing the curtains himself. “Seems you had company.” He even opens the door and rolls out, leaving me with no other choice but to follow him.