Page 39 of A Forever Love

My heart races for a myriad of reasons, struggling to return to its regular rhythm. Concern for his well-being swiftly eclipses my own internal turmoil. Until now, I’ve never let my feelings for Carter dictate any thought that will ruin me further. Yet the man standing before me has shattered those defenses irrevocably.

I try my hardest to avert my gaze, but despite my determination, my traitorous eyes stray from his face, tracing the path of water droplets as they cascade down his skin—over his shoulders and his expansive chest—each pause a silent admiration for a physique that usually hides beneath those dark suits. His toned stomach appears as though it were crafted with care, and the rapid rhythm of my pulse resonates throughout my entire body.

I follow the trail of dusky hair, captivated, until Carter’s sharp voice startles me, coinciding with his quick grab for a thick towel to conceal himself.

“Merida! What the fuck are you doing here?”

A scorching heat flushes my skin, making me feel as though I’m covered in fire ants. The humiliation burns deep within me. “I rang the doorbell.” My voice trembles. “I called too. You didn’t pick up, and I got worried.”

Carter’s jaw clenches, his body radiating anger as palpable as thick smoke. The way he gazes at me, in a manner I’ve never seen before, hits me like a tidal wave. The tears stream down my cheeks unbidden, impossible to contain.

“I’m sorry, Carter. I was worried,” I manage to say, my words rushed as I flee from the bathroom. The ember of humiliation still smolders within me. My racing steps don’t stop even when he calls my name. I bolt from his apartment, nearly descending the stairs, when he grasps my hand.

“Stop, goddammit.”

My eyes flutter closed as he turns me around. The heat of the shower radiates from him, making me aware of how close he is right now.

“I didn’t mean to intrude. I promise,” I whisper, the words hanging in the space between us like a fragile promise.

For several heartbeats, he remains silent, then his hands cup my face. “You could never intrude on my life, mittens.”

Summoning all my courage, I gradually open my eyes. The moment our gazes meet, my heart sets off at a frantic pace, like a racehorse thundering along the track. Droplets of water stubbornly cling to his skin, drawing my focus to his long lashes, a detail I’ve only briefly observed. His usually perfectly styled dark hair brushes against his forehead, nearly grazing his eyelids.

His thumbs tenderly stroke my cheeks, guiding my attention as they sweep away the traces of tears.

“Stay right here, okay? I’ll be dressed, and then we can head out.”

“Carter, I can go—”

“Shh.” His finger presses gently against my lips. “We agreed to go together, and I want to share breakfast with my best friend. Just give me five minutes. Can you promise me you won’t leave? You know, once you’re gone, you become nearly impossible to track down.”

His words grip my heart so intensely that it feels like it might burst out of my chest.

“Promise me?” Carter’s grip on me remains steadfast, his gaze locked onto mine.

“I’ll wait here.” I give him a slow nod, and exactly six minutes later, he emerges from his apartment dressed impeccably in a navy-blue suit, a laptop bag in hand. Stepping into the elevator, my gaze catches Carter’s reflection in the mirrored wall, and words escape my lips without conscious thought. “You didn’t sleep well.”

His response is a nonchalant shrug. “It was a rough night. How about you?”

In an attempt to alleviate the lingering unease between us before it grows too heavy, I force a smile. “Two glasses of wine were enough to tucker me out.”

* * *

Carter pulls up outside the Hawthorne Bakery, a beloved local establishment and one of the many businesses owned by Clementine’s family in Cherrywood. Just as I’m about to step out of the car, a familiar face appears by my door.

“Well, this is a sight I never expected.” Shawn Hades, Carter’s business rival, holds a takeaway cup and a white-and-orange paper bag in his hand. “I don’t believe I caught your name, dear.”

His dark grin briefly tightens as Carter circles the car and stands beside me. “And you never need to know it.”

Brittle laughter escapes Shawn, fake as a rehearsed sitcom track, revealing the underlying cracks of jealousy. “Is it true that the ruthless Carter King actually cares about someone?”

But Carter couldn’t look more bored. He puts on his aviators and casually turns to face Shawn. “Looks like you’ve got plenty of free time now that I’ve taken another case right from under your nose.”

Shawn’s mask of composure crumbles in an instant. “Do you honestly believe I don’t know why you got that case? You’ve inherited a thriving business while I’ve painstakingly built mine from the ground up. Yet the Security Excellence Guild always overlooks that fact. But not this year, Carter. You won’t be the one to break Connor King’s record of winning the Best CEO award three years in a row. It will rightfully go to someone more deserving.”

“Let me make sure I understand this correctly. You believe you’re the one deserving of that title? Well, good luck with that, Hades. But here’s a free piece of advice. You’ve spent so much time fixated on the competition that you’ve veered off your own track. I’d suggest being less obsessed with me, because I’m not intimidated by jerks like you. Kings Security is the best and will continue to be for many more years.” With those words, Carter places his hand on the small of my back and guides me toward the building’s entrance.

“Wow, he really hates you,” I whisper once Shawn Hades is out of earshot.