Page 27 of A Forever Love

When I feel her presence right behind me, I glance over my shoulder. “I don’t know if I’m more hurt or upset that you’re shocked right now.”

“Wait for me.” She doesn’t let go of me, and adds, “You won’t leave?”

“I’m always here, mittens.”



As soon as the waitress leaves after seating us in the quaint restaurant, Little Italy, Merida grabs my hand on the table, bringing my attention to her face.

“You could have told me you reserved a table for us in such a posh place. I’d have taken a shower, or at least changed.” She frowns, trying to fix her braid and the curls sticking to her forehead. “I’m all sweaty and smelly.” She tugs at the neckline of her dress and sniffs it self-consciously.

Swiftly averting my eyes, I open the menu before my gaze or thoughts once again drift to her body. “You look fine.”

A voice, low and gravelly, slices through the air, familiar even from the tone alone. “Well, well, well. What do we have here? The elusive Carter King stepping out of his office, and he’s not flying solo for once.”

The words strike a nerve, and then Shawn Hades is standing right in front of me, a grin plastered on his face—one I’d gladly wipe off with a well-aimed punch.

Despite the turmoil churning inside me, I calmly shut the menu and recline in my chair. My gaze remains fixed downward, but I sense his eyes locked on me as I tug on my jacket cuffs, concealing the Rolex beneath the sleek fabric. When I glance at Merida, it’s clear that the charged atmosphere hasn’t left her untouched. A surge of frustration knots in my forehead as I observe her tense posture.

No matter where life has taken us, witnessing her unease has always struck a chord deep within me. The urge to eliminate whatever caused her discomfort has never been stronger.

“Shawn Hades.” I finally raise my eyes and act as if I couldn’t be more bored by his presence. “How perceptive of you.” My aversion for the man is impossible to conceal.

“So, the lone wolf does socialize with us mere mortals,” he quips, his smile a practiced facade that fails to reach his eyes.

As much as I despise him, I grudgingly admire his acting skills.

“Any particular reason you’re still at my table?”

Hades redirects his attention to Merida. “Hello there, beautiful. Allow me to introduce myself since your boyfriend seems to have misplaced his manners on the way to this date. It is a date, isn’t it?”

I know the asshole is attempting to provoke a reaction from me, but his words hit an unexpected nerve. Boyfriend? Date? Is this how Merida and I look together now? My eyes meet hers, and when she flicks her tongue over her lips, in nervousness perhaps, my heart feels like ice in a blender running at full tilt. Is she also feeling this shift between us, or am I the only delusional one?

My racing thoughts momentarily distract me, causing me to miss when Shawn grabs Merida’s hand on the table. I see red and grip the asshole’s wrist. Every muscle turns rigid in my body.

“If you don’t release her this instant, you’ll need to learn how to be a lefty because I’ll rip this arm off your body.”

Of course he doesn’t do as I ask. Shawn Hades wouldn’t be a pain in my ass if he were weak.

But he doesn’t realize he’s not just touching Merida but tampering with the most vulnerable part of my life, and I’ll incinerate him to shield her if needed. I increase the pressure, and though his face reddens, that sinister smile remains firmly in place.

Hades finally loses his grip. “I’ve got my answer. Nice to see you haven’t killed all your feelings, King.” His gaze then shifts to Merida. “I apologize if I’ve been overly intrusive. Nevertheless, it was a pleasure meeting you.”

A weighty silence lingers at our table even after Hades departs. My fists remain clenched, and I hold my breath as Merida lets out a deep sigh.

“Could you relax your jaw a bit? I fear you’ll lose a tooth or two. And by the way, I could have taken care of myself.” Her tone is casual, almost nonchalant, and it stings the most. It’s as if Hades’ words had no impact on her at all.

“I saw that,” I say through gritted teeth. “He touched you, and you sat there like a statue. Have you forgotten all the self-defense lessons I’ve given you?”

Rather than directing her attitude toward Hades, she seems to have reserved it for me. “I wasn’t about to throw a punch in his face right here.” Merida scans the restaurant, as if I couldn’t bear the potential consequences had she flung even a glass of water in his direction. “Besides, he’s your friend.”

“That asshole is not my friend.”

“Who is he then?”

Annoyance tightens my lips. Discussing Shawn Hades during this lunch was the last thing on my mind. “He’s the owner of Hades Security, someone hell-bent on taking on every case we get.”