“You’re going to be awesome, Auttie.” Chiara hugs me. “You’re going to leave such a legacy behind that your kids will be shit nervous when it’s their time.”
I can’t stop my laugh. “Good. Shit nervous is better than disappointed.” I then turn to Mr. Big. “Was Lukas with you this morning?”
“No. But his bike wasn’t in the parking lot when I came in this morning.”
“Really? But you come in around six.” Mr. Big nods in confirmation. “Where would he go this early?” I ask no one in particular. “I’ll call him.”
I’m already marching toward my office when Chiara hollers.
“I’ll get you coffee.”
I shut my office door and call Lukas, but it goes straight to voicemail. A prickling feeling gnaws at my insides once more.
Why didn’t he leave me a message or wake me up?
I call him again, this time leaving a message. “Hi. I was surprised to not see you at the inn. I was sure you’d either be at the gym, which is used ten times more since your arrival”—I let go of a nervous chuckle—“or with Mr. Big, but you aren’t here.” My grip on the phone tightens, as I wish so bad that this was Lukas himself and not his voicemail. “Just reply…whenever you can…to let me know you’re safe, okay?”
Chiara knocks on the door and appears with a tray of two coffee mugs and two muffins. She looks at me, and I don’t know what she sees, because her smile drops and she asks, “What’s the matter? Did Maddy cancel?”
I shake my head. Of course she would think that. I should also focus on this upcoming wedding more than anything else, but…
Chiara slides next to me on the couch. “It’s Lukas, then?”
“How do you know?”
“Those are the two hottest things in your life right now.” She snickers, but when I don’t join her, she asks, “Hey, what happened?”
I shrug, grabbing the coffee cup. “I don’t know. He didn’t tell me where he went. I…I’m trying to call, but—”
When I look at her, she’s staring at me with wide eyes.
“What?” I ask, suddenly feeling self-conscious under her probing gaze.
“I never took you for a clingy girlfriend.”
“I’m not…clingy.” My nose crinkles even saying that word. “And I’m not his girlfriend.”
I hope I’m more than that.
“Oh, but you’re both.” She giggles, grabbing a chocolate muffin from the plate. “He’s gone for a few hours, probably for work, but you’re sitting here with such a downturned face as if he’s been away since ages.”
“God, I hate when you’re right. Given my overbearing family, I should be the last person to act clingy.”
“Glad I was of help. I’m here on more important business,” she says in a serious voice, squaring her shoulders. I place the coffee cup back onto the table and grab my iPad.
“What did you guys gift each other on Valentine’s Day?”
“This is your serious business?”
“Of course. As your best friend, it’s my duty to be aware of the ongoings of your love life.” She arches an eyebrow before her gaze slides to my chest. “Hey, this is so cool.” She holds the pendant Lukas gave me. “Where did you buy it?”
“This is my Valentine’s Day gift.”
“No way! Lukas freaking Spencer, the daredevil, gave you antique jewelry? I can’t believe it. What did you give him in return? This is a tough gift to beat.”
I bite my lips, trying miserably to hide my smile, and Chiara’s eyes widen. “What did you do, Auttie? A pole dance?”