“We’ll manage, Mom. Lukas isn’t a baby, and thanks to Grandma, we’ll be seeing each other all the time now that we’re holed up in one room.” I cross my arms over my chest, not intentionally trying to be rude, but my family hasn’t left me with many options.
Mom briefly looks back at Grandma, who’s sitting in the back seat, before leaning closer to me and whispering, “Dad told me…about the”—she looks around and speaks the next word so softly that I almost don’t hear her—“divorce.”
I release a deep sigh even when I don’t blame her for being concerned. What parent wouldn’t be worried when their child gets divorced at the age of twenty-two? Especially in a small town like Cherrywood, where everyone knows everyone’s business.
“Are you sure it’s the only way?” Mom’s eyebrows furrow. “Lukas is a nice man, and…he doesn’t look that old. He’s…handsome.” There’s a twinkle in her eye, and my heart skitters at the sight of it.
Guess even my composed mom isn’t immune to Lukas’ overpowering presence.
“Mom,” I whisper, because all of a sudden my mouth is dry. “Grandma is enough. We don’t need you to be like her.”
“I’m just saying,” she whispers back.
“Don’t. Not in this matter,” I say in a hoarse voice, and then I turn her around toward the waiting car.
My heart beats wildly even after my parents are long gone.
Mom’s words ring in my ear.
He’s handsome.
But she doesn’t know he’s so much more.
The day goes by as I try hard to busy myself with inn work and not think about the wounded man in the room. Though I made sure his lunch was delivered to him on time.
But now that it’s evening and the day staff is preparing to leave, there’s no reason for me to hide anymore.
My insides tingle as I take the steps down the hallway and finally reach the suite. My hand stops on the door.
What are you thinking, Autumn?
He’s Lukas Spencer. You’ve been writing to him for six years. You shared all the major events of your life with him. He’s a friend.
Nothing has changed now that you’ve met him properly, or due to the fact that he’s drop-dead sexy and much more handsome than you remember.
I take a few deep breaths and finally step inside. But I don’t find him in the room.
“Here,” he hollers from the balcony.
When I push aside the sheer curtains and pull the glass door open, my heartbeat races once again.
He’s sitting with his feet resting on the coffee table. He’s changed into another of his T-shirts, lavender this time, which hugs his muscular biceps and chest.
Does he deliberately buy T-shirts one size smaller, or is that how his perfect size fits him?
I know the former can’t be true. Lukas is so not one to show off.
“Were you working?” I nod toward his laptop resting on his lap.
“I’m trying, but no one is letting me work.” He shakes his head and shuts the laptop.
“Oh.” I look around but don’t find a single person who could have disturbed him.
He must have read the confusion on my face, because he explains. “My team. They want me to rest.”
“I think that’s wise.”