Page 90 of Hart Breaker

I stand and watch as they exchange vows and rings. The way they look at each other, it’s beautiful. I could be pissed right now that I’ve never had a man look at me like that, but that’s not true anymore. How privileged am I to be loved by Hudson Hart.



Boone’s got the seats down in the back, sprawled out like a starfish, and Riley’s curled up in her seat—yes, it’s hers—like a kitten, a really hot kitten who wasn’t at all bothered that I got a little fucking emotional yesterday.

She’s a dream in the sheets, too.

I grabbed a titty in my sleep and was sincerely apologetic. Explained I’d never slept with a girl in my bed, and she rolled over, licking her lips, looking at me like I was a treat, waving all sorts of green flags. Then she grabbed my dick and said, “Be quiet and do me.”

I was quiet. Her, not so much, which is also fucking hawwwwwt.

I unhook my phone from the sound system because every time I receive more pictures, it blares off and wakes the two of them up. So, I’m probably breaking the law by wearing an earpiece to listen to the early game between the Bills and the Jets, but since I’m only wearing one, I’m hoping if I get pulled over, the cop will feel sorry for me because I’m a dipshit for thinking that way or he’ll be a Knights fan. The New York Knights, not the old Knoxville variety of fucking crazy.

The fact that this is the thought going on in my head, it’s pretty fucked up when I get a call from Ava Lane, and on more than one level, I’ve got her sister-in-law next to me.

I hit accept on my phone. “Ava, what’s the good word?”

“The charges against Boone have been dropped.”

“That’s good, because it was complete shit, anyway.”

“You’re damn right it was. Fucking assholes,” she sputters.

“Give me more good news.”

“I’ve started the ball rolling to get the charges dropped for Ryder Maverick and found out one of the little shitbags has an uncle who is, get this, a retired cop. So, I threatened to go after LVMPD and the DA for their corrupt handling of the Maverick case.”

“And that’s why you’re the real MVP of this team, champ.”

She’s quiet again.

“All right, give me some more good news.”

“I’m afraid I don’t have any.”

“Then roll out the bad shit. I’m sure I got something coming for falling in love with?—”

“Oh my God!” she squeals, and I regret the whole earpiece decision immediately.

“Yeah, I did.” And it feels good to say it out loud.

“Is she with you?”

“She is. We went for a quick visit to Jersey, stumbled into a wedding, and now we’re an hour out. We’ll be back at Brooks Barn and Brew to watch the Cowboys take down Philly.”

I catch Riley stirring out of the corner of my eye, and she smiles as she opens her big brown eyes.

“Morning, Brooksie babe. Did I wake you with all my chatter?”

“Oh my God, that’s adorable,” Ava says, and I swear she’s clapping.

“Morning, Hart.” She sits up. “Who’s winning the Bills game?”

“Am I on speaker?” Ava asks, unable to contain her excitement, which makes me grin.

“Nah, Boone and Riley were both sleeping, so you’re in my ear.”