Page 73 of Winning Bid

I laugh hard. “Excuse me?”

“You think for yourself. You voice your opinions. When he says something, you don’t just go with it. You push back if he’s wrong, and you do it politely, which pisses him off even more because if you were rude about it, then he could point to that and make you seem like a terrible person. He has to try this hard to stand a fighting chance against you. Otherwise, he can’t control me.”

Dana grins. “I knew I liked you. Alright, so where does the break-in play into this?”

“That’s how we obtained the documents—well, that and breaking into his desk drawer,” I explain. Most of that is stuff I got for him, but some of it—the parts confirming Elliot’s involvement—were in his office. The only way to get them was to break in.”

“And you did that how? Any evidence left behind?”

My face heats up at the thought of Anderson’s DNA left on the steamer trunk. “Um, I used the keycard he gave me.”

“So, a key log, if his security keeps one, which I imagine they do. You’re not getting out of this with your job intact, but you knew that when you decided to use the key card.” She sits back, thinking. “And you had no idea about Elliot’s involvement … If I didn’t know how much those two hate each other, I’d almost say they coordinated to set you up to take the fall for this.”

“They’re both setting me up in their own ways. Elliot is telling Anderson I’m why Andre is about to buy them out, and Andre used me to twist the knife about these purchases just that little bit more.” I grip the arms of my chair to stop from shouting. “I am so fucking sick of men using me that I could choke on it.”

Slowly, she nods. “And that’s where they are fucking up. They’re both using you, June, you’re right about that. But you can use them right back. Let them know what it feels like.”


“Well, first of all, to CYA, you two must negotiate immunity from the illegal break-in. Sure, you could say he gave you the keycard and, therefore, you had legal access, but breaking into his desk takes that shell of an excuse away. The only way to get immunity is to offer or threaten. You don’t have much to offer Andre, so you have to go with threatening him to get your immunity, and that is where things get interesting because what he’s doing is so much more illegal than what you did.”

“You mean blackmail?” Anderson asks.

She nods. “He’s looking to blackmail board members, specifically Elliot, with his illegal activities, or at the very least, make him seem suspicious enough to be ousted. By using an illegal strategy, he’s made himself vulnerable to basically the same thing. Not to mention the fact he fucking kidnapped June. Use that. Use all of it to back him into a corner.”

All this time, I hadn’t thought to use my own kidnapping against him that way. I just figured a man like him would get away with it. But if he’s afraid of it being used against him, then why the hell not try?

Dana produces a folder of her own. “Like I said, I did some digging since you brought up Andre, and his shenanigans go back decades. I found all kinds of fun, exploitable details he would not enjoy becoming public.” She passes him the folder. “Have fun, kids.”



When I walk into Andre’s office the next day, I wouldn't exactly call it fun. It would be more like playing with fire. It could be interesting, but it could also burn my face off. I’ll need luck, skill, and all the information we’ve obtained to pull this off.

Since this meeting wasn't scheduled, I walk in using June’s keycard. Andre is getting a blowjob from his assistant. I pull up an innocent enough smile. “Am I interrupting something?”

She stands, wiping her mouth, while he buttons back up. “I'll get security.”

“No need, Esmeralda. Close the door behind you when you leave.”

She nods and doesn't make eye contact as she passes by me. The door latches shut, and he smiles. It's as unsettling as June told me. He smiles the way predators smile. All teeth and intent. It's funny. The man who has been trying to ruin my family looks so normal. Average. Just another middle-aged white guy. Except for the smile.

So easy to underestimate.

“Anderson West. I assume you've come here for a reason. Would it have anything to do with that key card in your hand? Or the fact that it was used to get into my office the other night?”


I may have surprised him. His brows lift just a little. “Color me intrigued. Take a seat.”

I sit on the edge of his desk instead of a chair. “You look very comfortable there, Andre. Pity you won't be in that seat for much longer.”

“And pray tell, what does that mean?”

“Only that you could probably use a vacation. Never hurts to get out of town.”

“And what would I find in a vacation?”