Page 96 of Winning Bid

She huffs. “At least six. I think.”

Wow, holy shit. But I keep my expression placid?—

“See?” she asks, pointing at me. That’s why I didn’t want to say it! You look horrified!”

I laugh, too excited to do much else. “I’m not, actually. The thought of … ” I take a breath to keep my erection from tearing through my trousers. “The thought of seeing you, swollen with my child inside of you … ” My mouth is dry. Is it hot in here?

The server delivers our drinks, and I slug mine back in one go, ordering another. When she leaves, I lean in and quietly tell June, “If we weren’t in a place I love, I’d take you to that bathroom and get you pregnant right here, right now.”

June’s cheeks flush pink. “I thought it was too soon for that kind of thing.”

“It is. It really is. And I have to keep reminding myself of that, or I will do something inadvisable. I have to think about this strategically, or I’ll lose my mind trying to knock you up. I’ll never let you out of the bed. So, it’s a good thing my second drink is almost here.” The server delivers the next one, and I take my time with it. Her cheeks have darkened by the time I’m sipping. “What is it?”

Her words are almost a whisper. “The thought of being tied to the bed for you to use whenever you feel like, it … ”

A growl escapes me before I can catch it. My throat is completely dry, but now I’m worried about making a wet spot on my trousers. “Saying things like that when we are too far from home to do anything about them is cruel, young lady.”

She nibbles her bottom lip as she half-smirks, and I’m going to have to punish her for that later. But I’m certain she’ll enjoy it. “Guess we’ll have to negotiate all of that when we get home.”

If she keeps this up, I will drag her to the bathroom, regardless of wanting to come back to Clair’s. I have to switch gears. “Erm, so our wedding?—

She laughs. “That was one hell of a non sequitur.”

“Entirely your own fault. I have to change topics, or we will jump to the baby-making right now.” I rake my fingers through my hair, desperate for any change in stimulus. My cock is still aching for her attention. “Are you still up for eloping?”

Her head bobs enthusiastically. “I want our wedding day to be about us. Given your father’s side work, I don’t want it to become a day of business deals between him and our guests, and I suspect that’s how it would be. I have no desire to have my father walk me down the aisle—we’re only barely back on speaking terms, and I never dreamed of that in the first place. My mom will probably be bummed, but it’s not like she’s a big part of my life, so really, the only person I’m worried about disappointing is your mom, but you don’t seem too worried about that.”

I shake my head, grateful for talking about our parents. Thinking of them kills my boner. “She won’t like it, but given our situation, I think she’ll understand. Besides, I’m not getting married to make them happy. I’m doing it because I want to marry you. The truth is, I wasn’t sure I’d ever marry?—"


Time for a little truth, I guess. “June, I have been in love with you since we met. I know I didn’t show it, but I was. Before we started seeing each other, I figured I’d never get married because no one else could live up to the fantasy of you in my head. The thought of marrying someone else didn’t feel fair—like I’d be setting them up for failure. I certainly didn’t want to have kids with someone else.” Tears glisten in her eyes, and it sends a rush of panic through me, so I take her hand in mine. “Did I say something wrong?”

But she smiles and wipes a tear away. “No. You said a lot of things right.”

That must have been relief I felt earlier, because I feel it again now. I give her hand a gentle squeeze before sitting properly. “You’re it for me. Now and always.”

“You are, too, you know.”

“Good to know.”

“Courthouse good for you?”

I nod. “Just need to make it official, right?”

“Yeah.” She pauses nervously. “Soon?”




For what I hope is the very last time in my life, I slept in and woke up alone. I'm lazing in bed, smiling to myself. It's silly. But after deciding that today would be the day we get married, Anderson and I decided to spend the night apart.

So I'm actually in my very own bed alone for the first time in months. Part of me missed it. Getting to stretch out is a luxury of sorts. But trying to fall asleep without him next to me last night was hell. Burying myself next to him in the sheets to absorb his warmth at night has become a vital part of my nighttime routine. I'm spoiled.

And tonight, I will get to go to sleep next to my husband.