Page 47 of Dancing Moonbeam

It felt as if an iron fist was wrapping around his heart and was squeezing it tightly. Never before had he felt such anguish. It was on a level reserved only for the deepest parts of hell.

Jaytee wanted to die, to join his mate in the afterlife, to see his little fairy smile at him once again. To hear his declaration of love spoken out loud and not just whispered in his mind.

As he held his lifeless mate, Jaytee pulsed with raw fury, the air around him churning with pure darkness. Violent clouds gathered as a lightning storm unleashed inside of him.

“Watch over my mate,” Jaytee growled to Elvine as he gently lay his mate’s body down then stood, ignoring the searing pain from his injuries. “Don’t let anyone near Raidh or Damon.”

“Damon?” Elvine glanced to where the wolf lay then slapped her hands over her mouth as she let out a sob. “Oh god!” she cried.

Vicino was going to feel the unimaginable agony that was a living, breathing cancer inside of Jaytee.

The son of a bitch would regret ever coming after his mate and family in the first place.

And if Jaytee was killed, so be it. What in the fuck did he have to live for now that his mate was gone, now that his twin lay dead? The vampire had taken everything from him, as had Galamir, who had killed Jaytee’s gentle reminder of the beauty in this world.

His steps were unsteady as he stalked toward Vicino, who was still fighting Zeus but smiled maliciously at Jaytee’s advance.

Keep smiling, you psychopathic piece of shit.

Panahasi landed in front of Jaytee and placed a bloody hand over his chest. Jaytee was so far-gone he didn’t even cringe when those blood-soaked claws touched his bare body. A sonic pulse swept through Jaytee, causing him to arch his back. The demon leader lifted his hand a few inches before a blue light, finer than a wisp of smoke, writhed up from Jaytee’s chest. It swirled its way toward Panahasi’s palm, until every last speck of the wispy smoke disappeared.

Jaytee gasped when the physical pain evaporated, leaving him standing there at full strength. “What did you just do to me?”

Panahasi’s whiskey-brown eyes filled with deep sorrow. “A gift to you for your loss, wolf. You are now fully healed, and I have given you a small measure of what I am capable of to have as your own.”

“What capabilities?” Charged electricity flowed and vibrated inside Jaytee like he was touching a live wire.

Panahasi dropped his arm, leaving behind a bloody handprint on Jaytee’s chest. “You are now an equal match in power against Vicino.” He leaned in close, his eyes narrowing as he snarled, “Exact your revenge, brother.”

Jaytee threw his head back and let out a vicious howl.

“Do you want me to take your other pain?” Panahasi asked with deep sympathy lacing through his voice.

“No.” Jaytee shook his head. “It will fuel my rage. Besides…” He looked toward the ground as the loss ate him alive. “I deserve the pain for failing my mate.”

“Why do you think you failed him?” Panahasi’s right arm shot out, but he never broke eye contact with Jaytee. His deadly talons punched through the chest of the vampire who charged at him, and then the demon leader tore the bloodsucker’s heart out.

“Raidh’s father swore to eliminate him.” Jaytee snarled just thinking of Galamir. “The bastard not only blew the kiss of death at Raidh but paid Vicino to kill his son and my family. It was my job to keep him safe, to…” The pain of his little fairy’s death shredded Jaytee in half once more. He wasn’t even sure how he could breathe right now. Every breath was a searing pain that left his lungs charred.

Panahasi’s eyes erupted with rage. “Galamir Shadowlace put a hit on his own son and blew him the kiss of death?” His voice was filled with so much fury it vibrated against Jaytee like a living entity.

“Are you serious?” Maverick growled as he walked up to them. “Now I see why you’re fed up with those pompous blowhards,” he said to Panahasi. “You would think fairies would be all cute and lovable.”

“Mine was,” Jaytee whispered as fresh tears fell.

Maverick squeezed Jaytee’s shoulder. “You and your family are always welcome at the Den, brother.” He cupped the back of Jaytee’s neck. “Consider us your extended family, wolf.”

Jaytee’s head shot up when he heard Vicino bellow. Christian stood right in front of the creature, one hand tucked behind his back, the other outstretched, his palm facing Vicino.

“If you want your revenge, I suggest you hurry,” Panahasi said. “Christian is about to destroy him.”

“You want help?” Maverick smirked. “It’s been a while since I kicked some serious ass.”

Jaytee shook his head, curling his lip. It was his mate and twin the ancient vampire had killed. It was Jaytee’s duty to avenge their deaths. And he would do it with all the pain of his loss and the pure hatred he harbored for the creature. “Vicino is all mine.”

“Guess I’ll just sit on the sidelines and watch you rip him apart.” Maverick walked away.

Jaytee noticed the army of vampires had been slain. Everyone who had fought alongside his family stood there bloody, but alive. Even Casimir, though his swords were no longer in his hands. Now the only enemy left was the one he was going to send straight to hell.