Page 43 of Dancing Moonbeam

The vampire’s skin was pale and unblemished, except for the prominent scar that ran down his face.

Even at this distance Jaytee could see the brutal mark stretching from under the creature’s left eye, across its cheek, and down to its jawline, ending just below its ear.

Vampires were known for instantly healing when consuming blood, so how had this one been left with such a disfiguring scar?

“I am Vicino.” He extended his arms with a smug smile, as if expecting Jaytee to bow before him.

That was never going to happen.

As Vicino drew even closer, his long black hair swayed in the slight gust of wind that had suddenly picked up. Crows scattered from nearby trees, creating a cacophony of sounds.

Jaytee’s dad and brothers emerged from the house behind him, growling and cursing.

“Hand over the dark fae I am here to retrieve and we can end this right now.” Vicino rolled his massive shoulders as his eyes gleamed with malice.

“Retrieve?” Jaytee spat out in disbelief and fury. “You mean kill. You’re the one Galamir made the deal with.” His finger sliced through the air as he gestured toward the dead vampires scattered across the grass. “These disgusting abominations were nothing but expendable pawns to you.”

Vicino’s dark eyes burned with hatred and vengeance. “I have little patience for insolence, wolf. You would be wise to choose your words carefully.”

Calling them abominations had been deliberate on Jaytee’s part. He’d hoped to elicit a reaction from Vicino.

Now he knew these bloodsuckers weren’t just disposable tools to him. The vampire had some sort of attachment to them.

Once again, Jaytee could feel the force of Vicino’s powers bearing down on him. This time, it felt like a seismic wave, slicing through his skin like shards of glass. He inwardly shouted, and his wolf howled, but he managed to keep his expression neutral, except for his clenched jaw.

The bastard was seeking revenge for Jaytee disrespecting his pets, but it wasn’t just him being punished. Muted grunts from Kalen and Jax rumbled behind him, and the pain Damon felt resonated alongside Jaytee’s, intensifying their mutual agony.

The pain began to lessen, enabling everyone to breathe a little easier…for now.

“I am, at times, a generous man.” Vicino spoke in a deliberate manner, his finger tracing absentmindedly over the scar on his face. “Hand over the dark fae immediately and I will spare this home and its occupants. Refuse my generous offer, which is a rare gift, so you’re welcome, and I will leave your land drenched in your blood.”

Remaining motionless, Jaytee locked eyes with Vicino and felt a soul-deep hatred for this monstrosity. Luckily, the Frost men had discovered their immunity to a vampire’s glamour over a century ago. So if Vicino tried to tap his mind like a maple tree to find Raidh’s whereabouts, he was eating dry pancakes.

Vicino’s gaze darted between all four of them with a chilling sneer before a malevolent grin swept across his face. The creature was getting a little too much malicious enjoyment out of this situation. Jaytee’s hand itched to plunge into the psychopath’s chest and rip out his twisted heart.

“I’ll sweeten the pot since my generosity seems to be brimming tonight. Let’s call it a bonus.” Vicino glided his tongue over his bottom lip while gazing directly at Jaytee. Now he knew how Elvine felt when she’d made those gagging and retching sounds. No water in any realm was hot enough to scrub away the filth that now clung to Jaytee’s skin.

As if sensing his pure revulsion, the vampire smirked and winked at him.

“If that’s the bonus, I’d rather stick my cock in a grinder,” Jaytee growled.

Vicino’s face contorted into a mask of fury. “Do I need to remind you that I have very little patience?”

Jaytee nearly ground his teeth to dust when he felt Vicino’s power thrust into him like a searing dagger.

Sweat coated his forehead, and his stomach roiled in excruciating pain, as if the vampire had physically reached inside of him and twisted his organs.

“I grow bored of this.” Vicino sighed, while Jaytee struggled not to double over in agony.

Kelan growled and took a step forward, but Jaytee signaled for his dad to hold back with a shake of his arm.

They’d been taught to carefully observe their enemy and find any weaknesses before attacking.

But it seemed that Vicino didn’t have any, except his soft spot for his bloodsucking vampires—who were now all dead and scattered around the property.

Jaytee and his dad exchanged a glance. It was time to stop studying and start acting. He braced himself for the brutal battle that was about to unfold, a battle he wasn’t sure they could win.

Vicino sneered, sweeping his gaze over them. “The fae you’re trying to protect isn’t the only life that I hold in my grasp.” His words dripped with venom. “I was paid a hefty sum to take all four of your heads. But since you want to ruin our fun, wolf, I no longer feel generous enough to give you the bonus. Which was to spare your lives in exchange for the fae.”