“No,” Jaytee said. He started to tell Raidh the times he’d been affected but was ashamed to admit it had hit him the hardest when that vampire had been feeding off his fairy. He already felt like a monster for letting it grip him. Not a damn chance he wanted everyone else to see him that way.
Elvine looked at Jaytee curiously, her brow furrowed. “You don’t feel drawn to my scent?”
He wrinkled his nose. “No, thankfully.”
“Is it because I’m a female?” She huffed indignantly.
“No, it’s because you’re annoying,” Jax grumbled.
She ignored Jax.
“Gender has nothing to do with it,” Jaytee clarified. “I found my mate, so I have no interest in falling under someone else’s hypnosis.”
He had no interest in falling under Raidh’s either, especially since it muddled his head so badly. Not that kind of hypnosis, at least.
“Aww.” Elvine’s face lit up with excitement. “Wait...you two are mates? Oh no.” Her blue brows shot up as she whirled around to face Raidh. “If your father finds out…”
“You mean the son of a bitch who paid vampires to kill his own son?” Damon spat out, anger dripping from every syllable.
“He what!” Elvine’s expression darkened, and the room momentarily shook.
Jaytee grabbed the back of a nearby kitchen chair to steady himself while the cans on the floor rolled around and dishes rattled in their cabinets.
“Control your emotions,” Raidh scolded her, his voice calm but firm.
“You want me to control my emotions?” Elvine seethed, looking like a spitting ball of barbed wire. “Your despicable father hired vampires to kill you. I always knew he was a piece of poop, but I never imagined he would sink so low!”
Watching someone pace while hovering at the ceiling was bizarre.
“The king needs to know about this,” she declared angrily. “We should go to him right away, Raidh.”
“With what proof?” Raidh argued. “And if we involve the king, there’s a high possibility he’ll find out about my forbidden mating.”
“Forbidden?” Jaytee’s head snapped back, his heart plummeting as if the ground had disappeared beneath him. Like all preternatural, he’d searched his entire life for his mate, but never could he have imagined some law would force him to keep their bond hidden. Jaytee couldn’t deny the depth of his feelings for Raidh. He was already half in love with his sweet little fairy, and no Unseelie law was going to change the fact that they were meant to be together.
Elvine’s eyes filled with anger and sadness. “It’s a ridiculous law, considering fate ultimately decides who our mate should be.”
“What would happen to Raidh if your king found out?” Kalen asked.
Tears fell from Elvine’s eyes as she whispered, “He would be sentenced to death.”
A snarl ripped from Jaytee’s throat, and fury boiled from every pore in his body.
“If your king wants a fucking war, he’ll have one if he comes anywhere near Raidh.” Kalen bared his canines.
“One phone call will bring half the East Coast here to fight alongside us,” Damon spat.
“We’re Raidh’s family, and we fight to the death for one of ours,” Jaytee added vehemently.
Elvine stared wide-eyed at them. “Then I guess the king better not step a finger out of line.”
Chapter Ten
The overwhelming show of support left Raidh at a loss for words. He’d known the Frost men for less than a week, yet they were willing to wage a war to protect him. This level of support was something Raidh had never experienced before, especially since Elvine had always been the only person in his corner.
Although he loved her to pieces, admired her fierce and strong-willed nature, no one other than Raidh would answer her call to action.
Finally, he knew what it felt like to be a part of a loving, supportive family.