Page 38 of Dancing Moonbeam

“I could ask the same of Raidh.” Jax glared at her.

“She said I was a bargain.” Damon winked at Jaytee.

“She should have said you were an idiot,” Jaytee replied.

He still wanted to know how Elvine had found Raidh. If she could get past the spell, did that mean others could? Now Jaytee wondered if Galamir knew where his son was located. Even though those vampires had shown up, that didn’t necessarily mean Galamir was aware of where his son was staying.

Dickhead Dad could have given them something with Raidh’s scent on it so they could track him down. The question was, were those the only bloodsuckers paid to kill Raidh or just the first who’d found him?

Jaytee didn’t like having so many unanswered questions. Not when it came to protecting his mate. The very beat to his heart.

“I left my phone at the café,” Raidh said loudly enough to quiet the banter and pull Jaytee from his thoughts. “Stop picking on the Frosts and tell me how you found me.”

“And you couldn’t bother to go back to retrieve it?” She let go of the frying pan, and it clattered to the floor as she crossed her arms. “You had me worried sick about you, Raidh. What kind of trouble have you gotten yourself into since being here?”

“You first.” Raidh planted his hands on his hips and glared at her, only to quickly grab the side of the shorts again before they fell down his willowy legs.

Even though Jaytee’s clothes were too big on Raidh, damn if he didn’t love seeing his mate in them. There was just something about your partner wearing your clothes that turned any man on.

“I learned from the best.” She flashed a sparkly smile. “See, I paid attention to your lessons. When I figured out you’d concealed yourself, which I’m very ticked that you didn’t tell me, I went to work counteracting it just for me. No one else. I swear.” Her grin slipped until it disappeared. “Now tell me what happened.”

“I stubbed a toe,” Raidh grumbled.

“Don’t you dare lie to me.” Elvine glared at Raidh with a menacing expression that seemed almost comical given her tiny stature. However, knowing she was skilled in dark magic, Jaytee kept his mouth shut. “We’ve known each other for nine hundred years. If you don’t want me to start revealing some embarrassing stories to these wolves, you’ll tell me the truth.”

“I wouldn’t mind hearing those stories,” Damon stated with a grin.

Elvine’s eyes flicked to the frying pan on the floor before staring daggers at Jaytee’s twin.

The moron smirked.

“You wouldn’t dare tell them anything.” Raidh looked nervously at her.

“Try me.” She rotated in the air toward Jaytee, though she was clearly speaking to Raidh. “Remember that time when we were spying on that couple making out and you—”

“All right!” Raidh hands shot into a surrender position. “Fine, I’ll tell you the truth. I was attacked by a vampire.”

Elvine gasped. “Oh, Raidh,” she whispered. “You know our scent is irresistible to them, dewdrop.”

“Actually, I’ve been meaning to ask about that,” Jaytee said. “What’s up with that scent?”

It should have been the first thing he asked when they’d met and Raidh’s scent had ensnared him and his brothers in its trance.

“We’re fae,” she replied as if it should have been obvious. “Everything about us is captivating.”

“You felt it?” Raidh seemed deeply concerned if his expression was anything to go by.

“Babe, I’ve been fighting against it since we met,” Jaytee confessed. “The haze has ensnared my mind in fog several times already.”

“Why didn’t you tell me it was affecting you so strongly?” Raidh looked horrified as he squeaked out the question. “I could have helped counteract its hold on you!”

“It hasn’t been an issue for me since the first time,” Damon commented solemnly, casting a sideways glance at Jaytee.

“Same here,” Jax added.

“It doesn’t affect me at all,” Kalen stated.

“Do you feel it now?” Raidh took Jaytee’s hand in his, his mate’s warm skin soaking into his and soothing his anxious wolf.