Page 21 of Dancing Moonbeam

Even Kalen couldn’t contain a small smile.

“That’s it.” Raidh swiped a hand in the air, exasperated. “I’m walking the rest of the way to the café.”

“Absolutely not,” Jaytee argued.

“Yeah, you’re not walking anywhere alone,” Jax added.

“I’ll just ride slowly beside you to save any more bugs from meeting their untimely deaths.” Damon bounced his brows.

Jaytee rummaged through a side compartment on his motorcycle and pulled out what appeared to be a lightweight mask, offering it to Raidh. “Here, wear this.”

“Really?” Raidh raised an incredulous eyebrow. “You want me, a dark fae, to wear a black mask with a white skull on it? Don’t you think that’s a little too on-the-nose?”

“It would be if my mate was evil,” Jaytee replied with a soft smile that melted Raidh’s heart. His mate didn’t have an ounce of doubt. His complete trust and unwavering belief in Raidh’s Unseelie heritage was evident in his pretty blue eyes.

It was so rare to find someone who believed in him so wholeheartedly.

“Besides, anyone wearing it looks badass,” Damon boasted as if that was something to be proud of.

“And it’ll keep any dirt and bugs from getting in your mouth or nose,” Kalen added with a grin.

“Not to mention it’ll save Jaytee from you hurling on his back," Damon teased with a smirk.

“Or you could’ve just thrown up on his back. I would’ve paid to see that.” Jax chuckled.

“Seriously?” Jaytee scrunched his face. “Bro, that’s disgusting.”

“Or I could have turned my head and puked on you instead,” Raidh teased, still feeling queasy from the earlier incident. He couldn’t even imagine the horror on Jaytee’s face if he had actually done that.

Despite his initial reservations, Raidh chuckled at their playful antics. It amazed him that in just a few short hours, they had welcomed him with open arms and made him feel like part of their family.

The Frost men’s genuine warmth and kindness touched a deep chord within Raidh. He felt a sense of belonging with them he’d never experienced before, and it nearly brought tears to his eyes.

“Quiet,” Kalen said in a low voice as he glanced around.

Everyone froze at his chilling whisper, their bodies tense as they scanned the surrounding area.

Every muscle in Raidh’s body went rigid when he felt a sense of foreboding. Although he couldn’t see any danger, he felt a presence lurking in the shadows like it was waiting to strike.

The surrounding forest, shrouded in shadows, seemed to close in on him. The night air carried a hint of pine and earth, but he caught a whiff of something foul, making his stomach turn.

Kalen’s sudden use of hand signals only heightened Raidh’s sense of unease. He didn’t understand what those flickering fingers meant, but Damon and Jax flanked their father. Then they moved with ease and precision, their eyes sharp and muscles taut.

The three headed into the forest.

“Stay close to me, sweetheart.” Jaytee’s strong arms wrapped around Raidh protectively, pulling him in close and shielding him from the danger lurking somewhere in the darkness.

“Is it okay to admit I’m scared?” Raidh asked with a slight tremble. He wasn’t sure why, but he reached up and started combing his fingers through his mate’s thick beard, surprised at just how soft it felt.

“It’s okay to be afraid,” Jaytee said in a soft tone. “You feel my arms around you, Moonbeam?”

“Of course I do.” He pushed deeper against Jaytee’s chest. “A warm wall of muscles.”

“Stay against that wall, hon.” He leaned closer to Raidh, as if he loved having his beard played with.

A tingle started through Raidh, and not the good kind. Suddenly, a blur shot past him, slicing through Raidh’s arm and drawing blood. He cried out in pain and grabbed his arm as he felt warm wetness seep through his fingers.

“I could smell your sweet scent before I even touched you.” A voice, dark and hungry, taunted him from somewhere nearby. “Your blood is like nectar to me, and I want it all.”