Page 12 of Dancing Moonbeam

Raidh nodded slowly.

“I’ll reheat dinner,” Kalen said before walking away.

Now Raidh was alone with three wolve shifters staring intently at him.

“You’re a fairy?” Jaytee asked curiously.

“Fae,” Raidh corrected him.

“What’s the difference?” Jax asked.

Raidh placed a hand on his hip and raised an eyebrow. “What’s the difference between a wolf and a dog?”

“Dogs bark, wolves howl,” Jax answered without hesitation. “Dogs are less mentally mature than wolves. They also tend to be wider and stockier, whereas wolves—”

“He was being sarcastic,” Jaytee interjected, giving Jax a look that said he should have known that already. Then he crossed his arms. “What I want to know is the difference between Seelie and Unseelie.”

“Do you even know what those words mean?” Raidh asked defensively, still scared out of his mind to reveal his true identity.

“I’m just guessing, but it probably refers to the distinction between good and evil fairies,” Jaytee said, sweeping his gaze over Raidh.

“Fae,” Raidh emphasized through gritted teeth.

“And since you refused to tell me what you are, I can only assume you’re one of the bad ones.”

Jax and Damon let out low growls.

Keeping his eyes locked on Raidh, Jaytee said to his brothers, “Growl at my mate again and you two can deal with my wolf.”

“How is that a threat when all three of you are wolves?” Raidh asked.

“We may be twins, but his wolf is twice the size of mine...and Jax’s,” Damon said with a shrug. “We take that threat seriously.” A wide grin spread across his face. “Tell me you’re a naughty fairy. That would be so cool.”

Fae!” Raidh shouted in frustration.

“Naughty fairy.” Damon chuckled as he walked away.

“I was right about you being a jerk!” Raidh shouted at Damon’s retreating form, only for the twin to laugh harder.

“You should have never let Damon know that bothers you.” Jax smiled wickedly before leaving Raidh alone with Jaytee.

“I have never met more immature jerks in my life!” Raidh argued.

Jaytee stood there with his muscular arms crossed. “I’m not going to make assumptions, Moonbeam. I want you to tell me yourself. Are you a good or bad fair— fae?”

“Most preternatural already assume we're all evil,” Raidh replied angrily, throwing his hands up in frustration as he fought back tears.

“Which one, Raidh?” Jaytee pressed on, clearly not backing down.

“You might as well kick me out now,” Raidh argued. “Who would want someone like me as a mate?”

“Raidh,” Jaytee said in a low warning tone.

“What?” Raidh snapped at him.

“Which. One?”

“Unseelie!” he shouted at Jaytee. “Happy now? You finally got what you wanted.”