"Well, it came out, we argued, and we've changed. We need to start moving forward." Regret at how blunted my words sounded made me wince because I didn't mean to sound like a pushy asshole.
Expecting some form of retaliation from Juliet, I braced myself for some harsh words or a slap to the face from her. Yet, nothing came but a pathetic chuckle from her. "I know we need to, and I guess I just don't want to because then that means forgiving you fully." Rubbing her face into my chest, she takes a few heavy breaths before looking up at me with a lopsided smile. "Don't think any of this means I'm not upset at you anymore because I still am. I still expect you to grovel every day for the rest of our lives."
Cracking a smile and chuckle, I leaned down and kissed the top of her head. "The rest of our lives? Don't say something you don't mean, sweetheart. I might just make you sign some papers and make you my wife before I take you."
Why does the thought of that get my blood pumping?
Juliet, my wife. It had a nice ring to it. I mean, Juliet Agosti sounded very nice, and maybe I played the way her name sounded during graduation too much in my mind. She really caught me off guard when she came up to me with the request to take my last name a week before her graduation. I couldn't deny her because her reasoning was pretty valid, and it wasn't as if she had any other name to take on. My agreeance wasn't out of some possessive nature to see her have my last name. It really was to grant Juliet's request of wanting to be completely cut off from her parents and old life, basically.
Now, though, after hearing it announced at her graduation and seeing the way her eyes darkened with wonder and lust just now at my words, I couldn't help but cling to it. "You would like that, wouldn't you, Mrs. Agosti?" I teased with a chuckle, running a hand through her hair.
The way her body shivered and leaned into me as her breath quickened. "S-stop that…" She squeaked after ducking her head from me. "It makes it harder to stay mad at you." She grumbled, making me laugh softly with a warm smile.
Confidence swelled up in my chest and down where it counts, something Juliet didn't let go unnoticed by how she gasped when I pressed myself into her soft thigh. "Would you still be mad at me if I made you my wife?" I teased smugly, leaning down and blowing a hot breath against her ear. "It wouldn't be nice of you to be upset at your husband right off the bat. I mean, you wouldn't want to start our marriage off on the wrong foot like that, would you?" My hands teased their way up the sides of her body to her breasts while my words worked at her psyche.
"Would you hate me if I shoved you over the desk and made you sign those papers with a gun to your back, make you accept your fate as my wife legally before I throw you onto the bed and force your legs open to consummate our marriage?" Wary eagerness filled my thumping heart from the images those playful words painted in my mind.
Anxious tension tightened my chest as I waited for her response, which surprised me when it came. With a seductive bite of her lip, she looked up at me with goading eyes full of lustful desire. "I heard angry and hate sex is the best kind, so maybe I will hate you and spite you so you can fuck me and mean it."
Holy shit.
I didn't think Juliet had this side of her, or at least, I didn't think it would come out this soon after everything. Hell, I expected and planned on things being more on the vanilla side for a long while. She had a long list of kinks, but most of it was in a gray landmine zone that we had to tiptoe through.
Swallowing the lump in my throat, I forced myself to take a step back from my alluring vixen. "Tomorrow, after a good night's sleep, we will discuss it all," I promised her with a smile and a quick kiss before picking up the discarded rag on the floor.
Having this conversation while I was still high on my adrenaline rush from my mission would do us no good. Usually, I wouldn't complain about getting a good fuck after a mission, but getting into it now with Juliet would be the worst thing for both of us.
I wanted to frown when Juliet's smiling face fell slightly after reading the room. "I'm sorry. I just… I missed you, and seeing you hurt kind of reminded me of the fact that you might not come home one night." She apologized with a half-hearted smile. "And I guess I'm just still a little confused with myself after today's events."
Pushing off the counter, she took the rag from me and went to the trash to throw it away. "I should have listened to you when you said it was too much, that I should slow things down today. I rode on the high, and now I realize everything as I'm crashing." A dry chuckle emitted from her trembling body. "You should have slapped me in the face and called me a crazy bitch. I was on such a power trip that I just…"
"Got ahead of yourself? Became some stranger to yourself?" I filled in the blanks for her with an understanding smile.
Juliet said nothing in return as she sighed and hung her head in shame.
"Principessa, come here." I waved her over with an open hand and a warm smile. She took a second but shuffled her way back over and snuggled into me. "We've all been there, and trust me when I tell you I've seen and experienced worse. At least you're humble enough to admit it sooner rather than later."
"Is it wrong for me to kind of like it? Being a boss ass bitch was kind of awesome." She tried so hard to hide her smile, but how her lips twitched in a struggle before giving up was amusing. "I mean, I still like it when you're in charge. Seeing you all macho mafia bossy is kinda hot." She added with a cheeky grin, her cheeks blushing up with her admission.
"I like seeing your confidence. It makes me proud to see that side of you bloom." I knew it was in there somewhere. I mean, would I have preferred if it came out in a more positive or constructive way? Yes, but nothing could be done about it now. "But maybe keep a level head and let me handle the bloody things. You stay behind the computer and wreak havoc that way."
"Deal." How fast she agreed took me by surprise. "As fun as it was to watch you tear that guy apart earlier while I sat there like a queen… I wanted to throw up so badly after the high died down." She admitted with a frown and gag, making me laugh a little.
"Don't worry, sweetheart, that's what I'm here for," I assured her with a cocky grin. "I'm already tainted, so more blood on my hands won't harm me. I will always be there to drench my hands for yours to stay clean." Such words should never exist so casually, but this was our normal now. "You want someone gone? Consider it done. All you have to do is tell me who, sit back, and relax."
Scoffing with a roll of her eyes, Juliet lightly smacked my chest and stepped away from me. "This is why you're so hard to stay mad at, you perfect jerk." She remarked, sticking her tongue out at me before picking up a clean rag from the little closet in the bathroom and chucking it at me. "Go finish up and come cuddle me."
"Whatever my amorina wants." I teased with a laugh, blocking another flying hand towel with my hand.
Chapter 40
Well, this is awkward.
It was simpler in my mind, but my mouth and tongue refused to work with me to get my words out. I kind of wish I had my confidence from last night, or at least the vibes we had going on. Maybe I should have pushed to talk last night when he decided for us.
"Can we not do this like some kind of business meeting?" I struggled out in a nervous voice, sliding down in my seat a bit.