Page 9 of Cardinal

I mentally strangled and scolded myself for the uncontrolled words that flew out of my mouth without a single thought. Why the hell had I said such a lie? It was beyond stupid and unbelievable… Or so I thought.

Now, I couldn't fucking believe that she fell for it. "You two are arranged to be married? Since when? I've never heard about this." Disbelief and anger twisted at her frowning face.

Seeing her anger made me want to smirk because it meant I got under her skin. We strongly disliked each other; that was clear to nearly everyone in the territory. I didn't care; she could despise me all she wanted, but that didn't change the fact that I remained in charge and that she answered to me. I hated her because she liked pushing boundaries with me and fighting my rule.

Caroline was older than me by a good chunk of years and wasn't too keen on having someone dictate her ways. She, along with some others, resisted the syndicate takeover. Though they complied now, I could feel their burning eyes whenever I turned my back. They wanted me gone so things would return to the Wild West ways of before. Caroline and they wanted to be the top dogs again, which will never happen while I'm alive.

She was a snake poised to strike, just waiting for the perfect opportunity—one I couldn't afford to give her. It was clear Juliet was different based on the fact that I saved her last night, which was something out of character for me. Truthfully, Juliet was different, whether I wanted to admit it or not. I knew she was in good hands with Leah, and there was no one else I'd trust more than Leah when it came to anything medical. Yet, I couldn't help but worry about the poor female.

I could barely sleep last night because every time I shut my eyes, hers would flash to the forefront of my mind. Those helpless eyes pleading with me with such stark desperation before relief melted her eyes when I told her I'd protect her. Although short-lived, her lips had curled softly into a happy smile when she leaned into me for a split second; she had felt safe before everything came crashing back down on her, making her shut herself down and pull away from me.

I wanted to deny it; deny that Juliet was just another girl, but I couldn't. I felt this need to shield her, shelter and protect her, and keep her safe and happy. One hit was all it took for me to be entangled with her.

All of that had to be hidden, though. I couldn't let my enemies use Juliet against me. Putting her under syndicate protection without any valid or good reason would make it too obvious that she meant something to at least one of us. Since I would be the one to make that order, the target would be painted on my back with a flashing sign above my head. So, the next—and only—best thing I could think of was marriage. If I made the marriage seem arranged, then that would just look like another business deal, something predatory businesspeople like Caroline would clearly understand and not question.

"It happened a little over five years ago when her parents made some bad calls at Galewood Casino and bit off more than they could chew. Owed me more than their worth, and I guess slimeballs will be slimeballs because they offered me their sweet little daughter." Taking a deep breath, I settled back in my seat and swept a hand across my stubbled jaw. "Now, if I were truly a fucked-up bastard, then I would have taken her then and there, but I'm an honorable and proud man. So, the deal was that Juliet would belong to me, and after she turned eighteen, then, she was to officially become my wife before the end of the year. In the meantime, she'd remain in the care of her parents, grow up like a normal kid, graduate high school, and the wedding would take place sometime before the year is over."

After another brief pause to breathe, I continued my deceit. "I didn't want to impede on her life, nor would it have been healthy for me to obsess over some child because I'm not some pedophile. I kept my distance throughout the years, focused on my own and Syndicate businesses. I didn't recognize her initially because I hadn't seen her since her younger teen years, but when it hit me, let's just say you're lucky I didn't storm your place and burn it down to the ground after ripping your head off your body. I thought I could keep this under wraps and make everything seem seamless, but you provoked me."

I could see the gears turning behind Caroline's irritated eyes as she glared at me. "And the Chau's have said nothing to you or reached out to you regarding their debt to me?"

"No, they aren't exactly the most cooperative people. They barely manage to keep up their end of the bargain of giving me updates about Juliet throughout the years. Guess we should stop doing business with them because they're not too trustworthy." I lied smoothly through a fake, charming smile.

"Well, I hope you forgive my discrepancy this time. I was unaware that she is your betrothed. I look forward to your upcoming nuptials and will be awaiting the invitation." She might as well have said that with a nasty scowl on her face rather than squeeze her venomous words through a saccharine smile.

My pretend smile quickly turned twisted in response. "No, you are not forgiven. How much of your profits will go to me over the next year will depend on what my men find in their sweep and after I am done with my own personal investigation. I suggest you go back to business as usual and follow the fucking rules before you sign your death warrant indefinitely."

"Now, get out of my sight. I've wasted enough time on you today. I need to attend to my future bride."

Chapter 6


"Is he really The Syndicate Devil?"

The rawness of my abused throat made me grimace with my words. Even though the dryness and aching dulled out after some fluids and the warm bowl of soup that Leah brought me, it still hurt to talk.

Leah didn't pause her physical examination of me as she replied, "Yeah, but don't let that stupid moniker get to you. He really is a big squishy underneath it all. He is literally the cuddly bear personified. Really, don't let him intimidate you. Not gonna lie, yeah he is as ruthless as people make him out to be, but only to those on the wrong end of it all. He doesn't go around eating children for meals or anything. I mean, he's kinda rough a little under the surface, too… But deep, deep down, he's mushy. He has a very good heart, though, or at least it's right where it counts."

Yeah, not sure how to take all of that because their definition of good could very well be different from mine. "Is he safe for me to be around?" I peered up from my lashes while nervously fiddling my fingers.

He felt safe last night, and if I was honest, he still felt a little safe. Yes, his huge size scared the fuck out of me, but there was this hardness in his eyes, this determination when he looked at me, that made me feel safe in his presence. Yet, I didn't want to be around him out of fear of his capabilities. Besides, what if he wasn't this 'good' man Leah made him out to be? What if he was an actual devil without other people around? He could very well be my next tormentor, my next abuser, assaulter, and I wouldn't be able to stop him.

"He's the safest option for you right now besides the others in the syndicate. While you are under his protection, no one, and I mean no one, will dare look your way, let alone think about touching you again." Leah's confidence in her words made me feel a little better about being here.

Unfortunately, I couldn't help but feel out of place still. This wasn't my home; I felt like an intruder, an unwanted guest. "Why is he even putting up with me? I'm a stranger to him, a complete nobody. I mean, I'm thankful for him saving me last night and bringing me here and having you check me out, and I don't know how I will repay him because I literally have nothing." My words trailed on when my rambling picked up until tears streamed down my face again.

I didn't shut up until Leah pulled me into a tight hug and soothed me. "Hey, don't think about all of that. If Luciano didn't want you here, then you'd be at a hospital or one of our shelters. He isn't one to pick people off the streets and bring them to his private home. And don't think badly about yourself like that. You are somebody. You might be a little lost, but you exist. Don't let what happened define you because it doesn't. How you respond to it all does."

"I really am nothing, though. My parents abandoned me, fucking sold me to a damn brothel, basically. I have no money. I don't even have my own clothes or anything. Whatever self-respect and dignity I had was taken last night by those monsters along with my body." Dejected, I exhaled heavily. "I just… I don't feel like a person anymore, just some shell, some dirty and used thing. I feel worse than trash. I don't even want to live anymore."

My own body felt so disgusting to me, and my mind was constantly plagued with the horrors of my ordeal. Phantom pain lingered and flared at the memories until they felt real again. Even if those men were no longer here physically, everything they did lingered. No one would want me after this. Used goods, trash, junk, that's what I was now.

Even though the marks on my body will heal, seeing all the bruises in the shape of hands and fingers from where they held me down or forced my body into positions against my will made me want to hurl. Bruises, abrasions, and lacerations littered my body, and they served as a constant reminder of my assault whenever I looked at myself.

I couldn't escape it even though I escaped that damn place. Every time I closed my eyes, I was sucked back to the place. Hell, every time I blinked, I would be back on that vile stage. Every thump of my heart reminded me of the gavel banging against the podium.

Even my own body served as a mocking reminder with all the bruises, scrapes, cuts, and aching pain that refused to go away.