Page 51 of Cardinal

Luciano's voice sounded so far in my haze. "Juliet, come back to me, baby." I was slipping back to reality, but I didn't want to.

I want more.

I need more.

Mindlessly, I bucked my hips in hopes of rubbing myself against his hand, only to find my panties empty of the familiar warmth.

"No, more, please, more." I don't know what came over me to have this newfound lust, and I didn't have the necessary mental capacity to dwell on it.

"Amorina." His voice remained stern but inviting as I felt something tighten around me, enveloping me in a familiar, comforting warmth as something pecks at my face and neck. "Come back to me. I know it's not fun and that you don't want to, but you need to, baby." His damn accented voice, so rich and deep like chocolate, was impossible to resist.

"But feels good." I pouted, scrambling around for his hand with my own to try and grab it to stuff it down my pants.

Unfortunately, he wouldn't budge an inch no matter how much I pulled his hand and begged him.

Then, just as the euphoria came, it went—too fast, in my opinion—leaving me to feel empty and anxious. The tear works came out of nowhere as I clung to Luciano, who held me tightly and showered me with kisses and sweet nothings while he rocked me back and forth.

"W-why am I like this? Why do I feel so empty?" I asked between my sobs and hiccups.

"You went into subspace, something that happens when a person experiences a rush of endorphins with their adrenaline during sex and other stimulating activities. It's different for everyone, and not everyone can get into a subspace because it depends on their own threshold." He explained to me in a soft voice as he stroked my back. "And, of course, with every high comes the crash, the sub-drop, which is what you are experiencing now. And again, everyone's drop is different."

Releasing me for a moment, he picked my shirt up and slipped it back on me, fixed my shorts, and set me down on the couch.

The feeling of his warmth disappearing made me pout and whimper in protest as I held my arms out to him. Hope brightened my beating heart when he leaned in, only to crash when he kissed my forehead and leaned away. "Don't frown, principessa. I am not leaving you, but I need to get you some water and food. Otherwise, this drop won't be fun for either of us. I will be quick, I promise."

Flashing a sorry smile, he sped off, leaving me alone for what felt like an eternity—it was only a minute at most—before returning with everything he said he'd be getting in his hands and arms, along with a bottle of lotion.

Sitting back beside me, he pulled me back onto his lap and bundled me up in my blanket before holding a water bottle to my lips. "Drink, and don't fight me, or I will force-feed it to you."

"Well, isn't that just fucking caring and loving of you," I remarked sarcastically with a roll of my eyes.

Before I could tilt my head to get a sip of water, Luciano pulled it away from me and took a big swig of it. "Hey! Jer—mhmphf!" Cold water rushed by the feeling of his warm lips against mine, filling my mouth full instantly.

I was practically forced to swallow the water unless I wanted to sputter it all out and make a mess. I drank it all in a single gulp before shoving Luciano away to cough and gasp. "You jerk." I playfully slapped his chest with a forced pout, trying—and failing—to be angry at him.

"Don't sass me next time, and you get the easy way." He retorted with a shit-eating grin and chuckle.

Grumbling to myself, I crossed my arms and pulled my blanket tighter around myself while snuggling into Luciano's muscular body.

In a somewhat peaceful moment, we sat there in each other's presence with the TV on some fight show. I didn't really pay too much attention because I was too busy eating and drinking everything Luciano shoved in my face. Then, I couldn't focus when he started to lotion and massage my legs; I nodded before he got past my knees.

"Rest, amorina, I got you. You are safe."

That was the last thing I heard before I drifted off completely with a goofy smile on my face.

Chapter 27


~2 weeks later~


Immediately, I bolted out of my office to the source of the loud sound, drawing my gun out when I heard Juliet's distressed cry.

Fear of the worst ran through my mind as I ran to the living area as fast as possible. Our home was safe with top-of-the-line security systems in place—although I question that often after how easily Juliet hacked through it—and too many bodyguards stationed around the place, but no place was ever truly impenetrable.

I had never had anyone break in and make an attempt on my life at this home yet, but the first was always bound to happen—a matter of when, not if. I just didn't want that first to be directed towards Juliet. I don't know what I would do if something happened to her because of me. I already felt guilty about pulling her into my life because of the passive danger she would be in from being associated with me, and the guilt piled on the moment I decided to make her my lover due to the increased risk and danger of everything.