Scowling, I softly 'tsk' while crossing my arms. "I am 18, that is not 'way too young' in this day and age. I'll have you know, a lot of my classmates are already engaged. Besides, I can date whoever I want because I can… I just don't want to." My eyes softly glared at him as I nervously tapped my foot.
Scowling softly, he rolled his eyes before giving me a stern look. "You shouldn't date whoever just because you can. If you're going to date someone, then it better be for serious intentions. Just focus on yourself and learn to love yourself again before you try to love someone else." He replied with a soft sigh. "I'm not trying to control you or anything, but I'm not going to let you do stupid shit."
Gritting my teeth, I huffed and scowled in response before giving him the silent treatment as I continued packing the rest of my stuff.
I didn't want to engage with him further because I felt it would get nowhere. Luciano was firm in his decision to keep me around and steer my life right, and I would be a complete fool to let this chance pass me because of my own stupidity. But he was up to something, though; I could feel it in my gut, and I'll damn well figure it out.
Luciano's little snickering chuckle made my attention snap back to him. "Cute, looks like I have a little nerd on my hands." He commented while waving a ratty textbook up in the air.
Dropping whatever was in my hands, I rushed over to him and grabbed the old book, only to have him hold it out of reach. Asshole. "Hey, be careful with that! Give it back to me!" I pleaded with a cracked voice.
Immediately, his playful demeanor changed to a concerned one as he handed the book back to me. "Hey, I was just teasing, no need to get upset. Besides, I can get you a new and better book that's probably more updated, too."
Snatching it from his hands, I hugged the precious book tightly. "I don't want another book." I snapped at him with a glare.
"Juliet, don't be silly. It's just a book." Luciano scoffed dismissively with a roll of his eyes.
Frustrated, I let out a low growl and kicked my leg out at Luciano, aiming for his shin.
"Whoa! Hey!" He quickly stepped back and caught my leg, stopping my kick. "You have a mouth, Juliet. Use it." He said sternly with hard eyes.
"Come here so I can use it to fucking bite you." Okay, that might have been uncalled for, but I felt a little spicy right now.
Luciano's jaw ticked as it tightened, his eyes darkening with his deep breaths. "You better change that fucking attitude of yours, or else." He left the threat hanging as his grip on my leg tightened.
Hopping up to him, I got right up in his face, or at least as much as possible with our height difference. "Or else what?" I challenged him with a defiant glare.
Taking a deep breath, he grabbed my neck firmly with his other hand, making my breath hitch at the sudden flare of heat exploding throughout my body. "Juliet, I am trying to give you the space and time you need to recover from your ordeal, but I am still only human at the end of the day. Push me enough, and you'll find that bratty mouth of yours occupied in ways you might find unsavory." He warned me lowly.
Reality quickly snapped me in the face like a taut rubber band. "L-Luciano, let me go, please." The phantom feeling of all the disgusting hands grabbing at my body crushed my nerves, and the room started to close in on me.
Choking on my own breaths, I desperately clawed at his forearm to be released. "Let me go, let me go, let me go!" Breathing felt almost impossible with how much my chest tightened, and the edges of my vision started to blur and close in.
Chapter 10
Shit, shit, shit.
Immediately, I released her and took her into my arms, stroking her hair and shushing her soothingly. "Hey, breathe. In through your nose, out through your mouth." I instructed her in a calm and steady voice.
Tightly, I held her struggling body as she tried to control her breathing. "You can do it. In and out, slowly." I encouraged her again softly. "You are doing great so far. Keep it up, principessa."
Any edge I felt with Juliet's brattiness disappeared as fast as it came the moment her body froze up in my hold. The switch in her was enough to flip that protective side in me. I would deal with the guilt of being an inconsiderate asshole to her after I got her through this anxiety attack.
Remaining firm yet soft, I continued to soothe her. "Focus on my voice. Whatever is going on in your mind is just that. It's not a reality anymore, nor will it ever be again. You are safe, Juliet. You are here and safe with me." And a dandy fucking job I did with making her feel safe.
I felt like a complete bastard for triggering her with my actions; I should have thought about it before grabbing her neck like that. I should have known better, but my Dominant side came out before I could reign it in.
Would she be safer without me around?
I couldn't help but wonder if being around Juliet would be more detrimental to her recovery than beneficial. She could easily find comfort in someone else, right?
No, she's mine! There won't be anyone else. Only me.
The thought of her seeking comfort in someone else's arms made my blood boil. The only arms she belonged in were mine. Only I could hold her and touch her.
God, what is wrong with me?