Grinning wolfishly, I swallowed her in a big hug. "Oh, my sweet blessing, you really are a Hell sent for me." I had expected more anger from her over the fact I hid it all from her when we agreed to keep things open between us. "But… Do you really not mind living with this form of mine?"
Scoffing playfully, Gracie rolled her eyes at me and flicked my nose. "Fawny, I love you, so nothing about you bothers me as it should." She remarked, sticking her tongue out at me. "It'll take a little time, but you're still my Valphan, werewolf demon or not."
Turning her head around, she looked at the closet with a sad smile and a distant look in her eyes for a moment. "Ya know, not gonna lie, I'm gonna miss our closet days." She mentioned with a dry chuckle before looking at me with a renewed smile. "But, we'll make new memories to make up for it." Then, her smile faltered for a second, "You really are free though? What of the gate?"
Looking past her to the closet, I smiled bitter-sweetly. "I am truly free from the closet and gate, which I destroyed after tossing the bits and pieces of the spirit through it." It didn't seem like it because everything remained in place, but the gateway was torn apart, and the runes smashed to smithereens. Everything slowly disappeared to nothing over the night because of a little thing called magic and cleaning shit up. Pretty sure I'd have my ass handed to me if Gracie woke up to her room looking like some construction site.
Humming softly, Gracie buried her face into my chest for a minute before looking up at me with reddened cheeks. "Your dick isn't bigger, is it?"
Chapter 19
Epilogue: Gracie
~5 months later~
"Are you sure you're okay with the ceremony being so casual? I kinda feel bad after seeing Stella's grand one."
Even if we had both agreed that we wanted something casual, I couldn't help but worry over the fact.
After all, this soul-binding ceremony was something huge for demons and angels, it seems like, so seeing my friend's spectacular one made me feel as if I was short-changing Valphan and his important moment in life. Even if he assured me at least a thousand times at this point that he was more than fine with this because he didn't care much for a big celebration, I was still hesitant.
"Cupcake," Valphan sighed for the umpteenth time. "Our ceremony is literally going to start in five minutes." He deadpanned with a raised brow. "Before you get cold feet and cancel it all, really think about it. I mean, would you be happier with a huge celebration like Stella's? Which ceremony would you think back on ten years from now and smile upon as if it were the happiest moment in your life?"
Sighing defeatedly, I pouted at him because I had no good reply to his good question. Grumbling to myself, I lightly shoved Valphan's furry figure clad in nice clothing out my dressing room door. "Go wait at the altar. I'll be out there in five minutes, I swear."
Valphan was right. I wouldn't be happy one bit if I had some grand ceremony where I wouldn't even recognize more than half the people there. Granted, there were quite a few I didn't recognize from a quick look out the window just earlier, but they were people close to Valphan. To be fair, I didn't really have many on my side to invite to this ceremony. The only person here I knew was Stella and, I guess, Emma; I couldn't invite my cousins because, well, that was a can of rotten worms I didn't want to touch with a ten-foot pole.
Some other humans were out there, but they were the other entity's mates and people I didn't know.
I tried not to be too bothered by it because we planned a separate ceremony after this one, but more so for my side—a normal ceremony and celebration.
"Gracie? Girl, get your head out of the clouds. The ceremony is about to start, and you're still in your robe." Emma said with a nudge to my shoulder, gesturing at my dress still hanging in its bag.
Holding my breath, I nodded my head in response before letting the next few minutes pass by in the blink of an eye. By the time I zoned back into reality, I found myself standing at the end of the aisle in my floor-length wedding dress, decked out in strings of jewelry chains from the bottom to the illusion neckline. Honestly, I felt and sounded like a crystal chandelier—in a good way!
Every bead of jewelry scraped and jangled against each other with each step I took toward Valphan until I stood before him at the altar. "You know, I don't know why you were so insistent on me having all the crystal beads and such," I whispered, looking at my husband-to-be suspiciously.
"You'll see tonight." His toothy, wolfish grin never ceased to amuse me after all this time with him.
Yes, Valphan was still a demonic werewolf, and yes, we've made it work this whole time. We had to make a lot of adjustments to the house, mainly to accommodate his size, but we managed to get back into a nice routine again after working through Valphan's wild personality.
And, oh boy, his wild side was definitely something else. The constant ache between my legs served as a good reminder of that. I thought he was a good lover in bed before, but he was nearly insatiable in his current form. Damn demon practically had his huge cock buried in me 24/7, it felt like. On my good days, I didn't mind being fucked nearly every damn second of the day, but on ones where I had shit I needed to do or—God forbid—was on my period, yeah, those days were a pain in the ass.
Also, as much as I loved sex with Valphan, he was too much sometimes, especially with his huge cock. Thankfully, he weaved enough spells for me to make it not painful. Still, I could feel all the other effects of it every time we engaged with each other.
Remaining silent, I patiently waited for Aesophedus to finish his part while looking at Valphan with a tender smile.
My big ol' oaf looked so damn adorable in his white tunic top tucked into his black leather pants. The adorableness came from his big form being stuffed into clothes like an obsessed owner playing dress up with their dog. Valphan only ever wore a pair of loose shorts around our place, but he also went around naked more often than not.
The silence between the two of us broke upon Aesophedus, urging us to exchange our vows, a human tradition Valphan was rather insistent on having as well. Not that I minded, because this sweet moment was one I didn't want to forgo either.
"Gracie, my little blessing, my life didn't start until you came into it." The two of us paused for a second to chuckle to ourselves. "Your voice woke me to a new world, one I have the pleasure of sharing with you. Every second you taint my life is the best. I cannot wait to spend an eternity by your side, watching and helping you craft your stories for the world to indulge in."
A happy pause filled the air as Valphan smiled at me with tears in his eyes. "I will forever be grateful for every day I get to wake up to you and care for you. I will never grow tired of how your eyes light up and how your smile widens whenever I do something for you. I love how patient you are with me and my grumpy ass sometimes when I have to learn something new about this century. You never cease to amaze me with how motivated you are with your aspirations, and I will always be thankful for the effort and faith you put into me and our relationship."
Leaning down, he nuzzled his face into my cheek for a second. "I will never get over the fact that you adjusted your whole life to love me, especially when I became stuck like this. You really do love me for better or worse, and I will spend forever loving you in return. I will always treat you like the queen you are to me."
Then, he pressed his lips right against my ear. "I may be your god, the one you get on your knees for and shower with sweet kisses, but you are my goddess." Pulling back, he put his cool and calm façade back on. "And at the end of the day, I will always bow before you and worship you and the ground you walk on. I will always protect you in my arms and keep you safe from the evils of the world while you sleep."