Page 16 of In My Closet

I had the best dream last night and the best orgasm, err orgasms, in my life. It was so wild and amazing that I didn't care if it was Valphan in my dream. I'd been so pent up the past few weeks with no time or energy to use any of my toys to relieve myself because I would knock out the moment my head hit the pillow, and the warmth of Valphan's shadowy embrace held me in bed.

Yeah, my little closet demon probably thought he was slick with slipping his shadows under the sheets with me every night. I stopped trying to get him to quit the habit after it was obvious he wouldn't. Also, I noticed how he'd wait until I was completely asleep or close to falling deep before holding me with his shadows—I caught him a few times when I pretended to sleep to test the theory out.

But none of that mattered right now. I was too blissful and comfortable in my soft blanket cocoon to care about anything related to Valphan and his stubbornness right now.

On cloud nine, I was about ready to fall back asleep until the sounds of scrapping echoing down the hallway caused me to bolt upright in my bed, clutching my sheets tightly against my—

Oh my God, I'm naked, what the fuck!?

Okay, now I was thoroughly confused because I came home from—

A lumpy pile out of the corner of my eyes made me dart my head over to the area outside my closet. "Oh my God." Slapping a hand over my gasping mouth, I stared at the bundle of messed-up blankets with a pillow off to the side of it.

It didn't hit me before, but now, as I stared in horror at the 'bed' Valphan took me on last night, the phantom scent of our activities filled my nostrils. Memories churned around in my mind, playing last night at the forefront of my mind; it was as if I was in a movie theater watching my 'dream' in fucking 3D.

"Don't worry, I'll clean it all up." And as if I wasn't stunned enough this morning, hearing Valphan's voice come somewhere, not the closet, caused me to let out a startled scream as my body jolted to face my door.

"Jumpy little thing, aren't you, pinkie." Valphan laughed softly as he entered the room with a plate of food in one hand and a big glass of orange juice in the other.

Needless to say, seeing my closet demon serve me breakfast in bed when he was supposed to be stuck in the closet after a mind-blowing orgasmic night confused the shit out of me. "Wha? Huh?" Honestly, I thought I was still dreaming or possibly hallucinating.

Unbothered by my reaction, Valphan sat next to me at the edge of the bed. "Isn't this usually where you get all lovey-dovey and thank me? Or are those stories of yours really that inaccurate to life nowadays?" He asked while setting the glass of orange juice down on my nightstand before picking up a piece of bacon and holding it up to my lips. "Eat. You need to replenish after last night, and no, the chocolate and cold meat I fed you and your crackers don't count for much after you slept off all of it."

Completely shell-shocked, all I could do was obey him, munching away at the piece of bacon and all the other pieces of food he fed me like a mindless robot. It was strange to be fed by my closet demon, but it was very sweet and nice. I've never been spoiled like this before; I've only ever read about it in fiction stories or heard about it from people who had marriages made in Heaven.

"Is something the matter, cupcake?" Valphan's concern forced me out of my head to give my full attention to him.

"I…" Zipping my lips, I shook my head to clear it before something stupid came out. "Last night… Did that really all happen?" It still didn't feel real to me, even though the evidence was literally right there. "We didn't… You didn't fuck me after, right?"

I felt a little sore down there, but not to the point where it felt like I wouldn't be able to walk, which I figured would be the case if he did screw me stupid with his demon dick.

Wait! Oh my God, his dick!

Craziness took over me for the next few seconds as I scrambled to Valphan on my hands and knees. Grabbing the waistband of his pants, I pulled it away from his body to look down at his nether regions. "Holy shit, it's real." I gasped with bugging eyes as I shamelessly stared at his flaccid cock in utter shock. Yeah, it didn't look as menacing as last night because it was soft, but it still had some size and bulk to it, and I could see its bumpy texture.

A soft puff of air smacked my face from his pants snapping back to his body after he snatched my hand away. "What happened to asking for permission first?" His voice teased my blushing face from above with a hearty chuckle. "Not that I will ever mind my mate looking at what is hers. I thought you were a little too prude to be grabbing at people like that."

And sweet moment over.

Shoving my embarrassment away, I pulled myself away and hid myself under my covers. "Go away." I stammered out.

"Only because I have to put things into the washer, which, by the way, is so much better than washing things by hand." He mused as I felt the bed ease.

Confused, I peeped my head out to watch him move over to last night's mess and gather up the sheets. "You're going to wash them? Not complaining or anything, but I can do it later."

Waving his tail at me, he merely glanced back at me as he made his way to the door. "Cupcake, I made you make this mess, and it was my idea in the first place, so it's my job to take care of the aftermath." Okay, his happy little grin melted my racing heart. "The only thing I want you to do is rest and worry about meeting your deadlines. Let me worry about all the little nuances around your life."

"W-wait, we need to talk though." About a lot of shit.

"We will." He assured me with a confident smile. "After I throw these into your machine and run you a bath."

"Huh?" I never said or mentioned anything about a bath. Or was that his somewhat subtle way of saying I reek? "Why do I need a bath?" That came out a little more cold and accusatory than I intended, but it was out now.

Laughing softly, he looked at me with intrigued eyes for a second before replying. "Because you have a shit ton of those little bath bombs that need to be used up, and you need to be spoiled." That was a strange answer, and I wondered if that was a coverup for the truth. "You smell just fine. I'm not wanting to clean you because you reek of sex from last night." He quickly held a hand up to stop the words from coming from my open mouth. "And no, I cannot read your mind, yet you just have that stupid look on your face like you're offended."

Now I felt like throwing something at him for being right. "Do you know how to use the laundry machines?"

From what I've found out the past few weeks with him, he knew nothing about the modern world. Granted, he was a fast learner, and contact with his demon friends quickly caught him up a bit. Still, he may have the knowledge, but experience-wise, not so much since he was confined to the closet until now.