Much to my surprise, his smile turned melancholic as his gaze drifted to the closet. "That will still be my place at the end of the day." His somber tone weighed the air around us. "I am not completely free, just mere moments."
I should be glad that I'd still have my peace from him, that he didn't have free roam over my whole life, but the only thing I could feel was my heart sinking into the deepest pits of my stomach. "What do you mean?" I asked with a deep sigh after I leaned into him and settled myself against his bare chest.
Laying his head atop mine, he strokes my hair with one hand. "I'm on a tight leash to keep it as simple as possible. I am still anchored to the closet, but I have some more slack to work with now. Only thing is, it takes a lot out of me. It's like a game of tug-of-war. I go beyond the closet, but it's like someone is trying to pull me back, and the force is stronger the further and longer I stray." He sounded a little tired as he spoke, but he sounded more than content. "I have to go back eventually to rest and recharge before I can possibly wander out again."
He didn't sound too happy about that, not that I blamed him. As I saw it, he went from solitary confinement to normal jail with allotted recess. It was rather sad the more I thought about it, and I couldn't help but feel sadness bubble up in my chest the more I looked at his broken expression. Even if he tried to smile at me, I could see the shattered look in his grey eyes.
"Are you close to figuring out how to fully free yourself? What's wrong with the gate anyways that caused you to be trapped?" We've never touched the topic throughout this whole time, mainly because there was never really a good time to bring the elephant into the room.
Remaining quiet, Valphan averted his gaze from me to the closet. Slowly, his arms tightened around me, more so in a protective manner than one of longing. "No." He bit out dryly after an awkward silence, turning my concern for him stale.
Deciding to bite the bullet, I looked up at him with determination. "Val—mhmphf!" Only to have it all melt when his lips sealed over mine and stole my words from my tongue.
"Let me enjoy this moment, please. You are a bundle of happiness in my arms, and I want to soak it all up before I have to go back later." I hated how he was deflecting everything, but I couldn't bring myself to fight him the moment his pleading eyes shattered my walls, causing me to give in.
Pocketing the conversation for later, I gave him a reluctant smile and nodded before wrapping my arms around his neck. "Thank you for last night." Was I fond of being edged to Hell? No, not particularly, but I was more than grateful for the mind-blowing orgasms he ravaged my body with.
Although, speaking of orgasms.
"Wait, you never came last night." It didn't occur in my haze last night, but in my clarity now, I could clearly recall the lack of pleasure on his end. He finished me, then put me in bed after cleaning me up as best as possible with whatever washcloths he could grab from the bathroom using his shadows.
He held me all night from the closet with his shadows like every night. Every part of my mushy body was loved by his shadow's tender touch, and I clearly remember the food being shoved into my mouth along with some water. Damn jerk wouldn't let me pass out in peace until I got some substance in me, which I appreciated now after the fact.
Valphan's deep chuckle caused me to look at him with a furrowed face because I expected some dirty push from him for me to return the favor, not the sweetness that came. "All that matters is your pleasure, my little blessing. Taking advantage of you while you were in such a state would have been more than low for me when you made your wishes clear before we started." It should be illegal for Valphan to be this charming. "Besides, I have my own hand to relieve myself." He added with a chuckle.
Whining softly, I pouted up at him as a wave of disappointment washed over me. Shame was quick to follow as I dwelled on the lustful want festering in my brain and spreading down to my hardening nipples and aching nether regions. I had to turn my face away from him to hide it all, not wanting to admit the words rolling around on my tongue to him.
A jolt of pleasure zapped its way down my body from him, curling a finger under my chin and tilting my gaze up to him again. "Cupcake, what's wrong now? Please don’t be upset by the fact I didn't take you. You really wouldn't have been happy with me if I had taken advantage of you." Damn asshole took my reaction all wrong, but damn him for being so sweet and caring about it.
Swallowing the lump in my throat, I shook my head softly. "That's not why I'm upset." God, did I really have to do this? I'd never be able to live it down if I had to admit my dirty desire to him. Hell, I don't think he'd let me live it down if I put it out there in the world.
Concern etched into every wrinkle of his scrunched-up face as he gently held my face with both hands. "What is wrong then, my little blessing? Are you hurt somewhere? Had I said something to upset you? How can I make it right?" His frantic eyes fretted my body from head to toe.
Dryly, I chuckled, "No, Fawny, no." Grabbing his face with my hands, I squished his cheeks together as I held him firm on me. "I'm not hurt or anything, and you didn't do or say anything to upset me, promise," I assured him with a smile, wiggling his face softly from side to side. "I just…" God, I could feel the heat rushing to my cheeks at the thought. "It's embarrassing…"
"Little blessing. You can ask me to streak down the street in a clown costume, and I would not find any offense in it." He joked with a chuckle and grin. "Plus, I'm a demon. I've probably already heard what you want to say."
Mumbling under my breath, I stubbornly chewed at the inside of my cheeks for a moment before reluctantly relenting. "I wanted your cock… I wanted to touch you and taste you…" Well, I should have said 'I want' instead of wanted because I still strongly desired him.
Chuckling, Valphan tightened his hold on my face and brought me within inches of his smirking lips.
"Then be a good girl and beg for it."
Chapter 12
~1 week later~
Disappointingly, she did not beg for it at that time.
Not that I blamed her. It was new territory for her, and I was more than proud of her for admitting such a lewd want through her shyness.
"Fawn?" I still haven't gotten her to stop calling me that stupid nickname. "Fawny." Maybe if I ignored her and gave her a little silent treatment… "Fawnyyyyy."
Nope, can't do it.
Relenting with a heavy sigh, I peeped my head up from my pillow at her. "Yes, cupcake?" It was hard not to sound annoyed from being a little pent-up and irked with the nickname.