Page 13 of In My Closet

I had no one but myself to blame for this situation because Valphan gave me two very clear options. Stupidly, just to spite him, I picked the one that involved me wasting a few hours of my life with another man who did nothing but disappoint me. Yeah, those few hours could have been better spent at home on my computer, or hell, it would have been better wasted on Valphan.

"Come on, my little pink princess," he cooed with the most twisted, fang-bearing smile ever, "You can't stand there forever."

"Yes, I can," I remarked defiantly with a stomp of my foot and a scowl.

Then, an idea crossed my mind, causing my lips to curl upward. "Actually, I think I need to break in the guest bed, make sure it's nice and slept in."

Seeing the way Valphan's lips pressed into a tight, flat line made mine widen with victory.

Two can play at this game.

"Well, goodnight, Fawny!" I teased with an overabundant giggle, turning on my heel with the extra effect of a hair flick in his direction.

Instead of forward, I found my body moving backward, with a shriek erupting from my throat. My ass hit the hard floor with a winded grunt before my body was dragged over to my doom.

With my back pressed flat against the ground, the shadow hands practically chained me to the ground right outside the closet. The soft light from the lamp in my room darkened with Valphan's shadow as he stepped over me like a conqueror would over his victim to be killed. "Oh, it'll definitely be a good night for me." His voice sounded deeper and sinister from down here, causing me to shiver and gasp.

Panic and excitement chased each other through my body the more I shrunk under Valphan's dark gaze while struggling against my restraints, which were rather soft. Strangely, they felt like soft leather bindings against my silky-smooth skin. It was odd to me because usually, his shadows felt rougher, harder, sometimes as hard as steel, while other times they felt almost like flesh.

His leather pants creaked with his slow downward lean to hover his face inches above mine. The moonlight streaming in from the window and the lamp's light bounced off his gnarly fangs as he grinned excitedly at me. "The only thing that will be broken in tonight, is you."

Words escaped with my sharp gasp from the suddenness of my dress being torn off my body by his clawed hand. "H-hey! That dress was expensive." And I liked it too.

"I'll get you a new one if it bothers you that much." He commented with a roll of his eyes before kissing me deeply with a small groan. "Can't wait to see your juicy ass shake with your body while you come." His hot words washed over my shivering lips as I felt my legs spreading and bending at the knees with some force from the tendrils.

His words sent chills down to my soul, making my body tense as my panic kicked my body into a fight or flight mode from the thought of having my virginity taken away in a crude manner like this. "Valphan, please, I don't want to have sex." Desperation dripped off every pleading word as I looked at him wide-eyed. My chest heaved with my quickened breaths as I nervously laid there helplessly spread before him in nothing but my bra and matching panties.

Frowning softly, Valphan reached and stroked my face tenderly while shushing me. "I will do no such thing tonight or any other night, not until you beg me to make you bleed with my cock and willingly spread your legs wide for me like the good girl you are deep down." How the hell could he sound so sweet but crude and hot at the same time like that? It wasn't fair. I should be totally creeped out and turned off by that, not shuddering and getting wet at the thought of whatever monstrosity he hid in his pants claiming my innocent body.

"W-well, I don't want you touching me! You don't have my consent to lay a single finger on me." Surely, I thought that would have been the end since he said he wasn't one to do something without consent. Yet, he only smiled warmly at me briefly as he studied my face like an artist would their model.

Then, his smile softened into a devilish smirk as he sat back against the closet door frame with his arms loosely crossed. "As you wish, my Gracie." He didn't budge one bit as he sat there smugly.

Now, I expected to feel the pressure ease off my limbs, for my body to be free to tackle and beat his ass, but no. The little movement that did happen was only for a pillow and a few blankets to be slipped under me for some makeshift bed, but then it was back on the ground, still spread wide and trapped by these stupid shadow tendrils!

"Fawny, I swear, if you don't release me this instant." My voice trailed out with my nonexistent threat hanging on my tongue. I couldn't do jack shit tied down like this, and I couldn't free myself, not unless Valphan allowed it.

"Va-aaah!" The feeling of something rubbing against my covered sex made me flinch and yelp from the increasing pressure.

Reluctantly, I bucked my hips away, well, tried to. I didn't have much wiggle room with how firm the shadows kept me locked down, and when I tried to move my hips away, a thick rope of shadow wrapped itself around my waist and hip to keep it still. Craning my head up, I winced at the burning stretch biting the back of my neck. "Valphan! Don't touch me!" I spat at him through gritted teeth.


The wooden floors creaked with pain as my nails scraped against them from my fingers and toes curling. Pleasure bloomed from my core as a result of a shadow hand stroking the length of my sex from top to bottom with the occasional circling of my aching clit.

It was hard not to enjoy this, and I felt a little guilty for it. But… I needed it. It had been a while since I gave myself a release.

No! No! Do not get off from a freaking shadow!

Fighting the tides of pleasure washing over my body, I threw my head back down against the pillow, groaning a bit from the soft thud of the impact. "I told you not to touch me!" I strained out through my clenched jaw.

The air warmed with his amused laughter. "And I am not."

Peering around my bent leg, I scoffed and rolled my eyes at the sight of his relaxed and arrogant face. Tension scrunched my face up until I was scowling and glaring at the damn demon. "Yes, you are." I bit out with emphasis on each word.

Sighing softly, as if this whole thing were a joke to him, he began to fiddle around with the waistband of his pants. "As you can clearly see, I am sitting quite a ways from you, and in no way is any part of my body in contact with you."

Fucking smartass.