Page 84 of The Blame Game

“Yep, there’s enough for two.” Dom shot a vaguely guilty look at Audra. He probably should have asked if she wanted anything.

She smirked at him like she knew his mind had been on Shea the entire time and that she was an afterthought.

Shea protested. “You didn’t have to. I would have …”

“Look, I was hungry and I thought you’d probably want something before work. It’s nothing that exciting.”

Dom was never going to rival Matty for the title of Brunch King but he could throw together a passable omelet, for fuck’s sake.

“Thanks.” Shea pressed a hand to Dom’s shoulder. “Looks good.”

Audra hopped off the counter, tossing her empty yogurt cup in the trash then putting the spoon in the sink.

“Well, goodness, what’s a girl gotta do to get a little attention around here? Lose my top?”

She reached out, trailing her fingertip across Dom’s chest and tugging at his hoodie string playfully.

Shea snorted and reached around Dom’s body to bat her hand away. “Audra, drop the sex kitten act. You’re not Dom’s type.”

She looked Shea up and down. “No, his type seems to be about, oh, 6’4” tall and 215 pounds of beefcake.”

“220 at the moment, actually,” Shea said coolly.

“Jesus, it’s a shame you weren’t able to play in the NHL,” Dom muttered.

Dom was 6’2” on a good day and usually hovered around 195. It didn’t seem like two inches and twenty-five pounds should make that much of a difference but when all of that came barreling at you on the ice or crushed you against the boards, it mattered.

“Yeah, I could have killed them out there,” Audra said with a wink, her small bicep popping as she flexed.

Dom grinned, then noticed his omelet was in danger of getting overcooked. He hastily flipped it.

“Are you aware it was stupendously dumb of you to come here, Mr. Olson?” she asked, tilting her head back to look Dom in the eye.

“I am.”

She glanced at Shea. “Well, he’s not a complete idiot like you are.”

Based on the way Dom had been playing lately, half of the city would probably disagree and if they knew the other decisions he’d made, the remaining half would likely chime in on his lack of smarts. But he’d take the compliment.

“Thank you,” he said drily. “Very kind.”

“I try.” She fiddled with the coffee machine, then pulled out three mugs. “So, while you two enjoy your breakfast and I scrounge for scraps to sustain me, let’s talk about the plan.”

“The plan?” Dom asked blankly. He gestured toward the giant omelet with his spatula, miming cutting it in three pieces.

She shook her head so he cut the omelet in half, then divided it between two plates.

“The plan for how to get your recognizable ass out of this building without causing more trouble for you two.” She looked pointedly at his lower half.

“Right,” Dom managed. She should meet Matty.

Dom handed a plate to Shea who took it with a murmured, ‘thanks’ and passed over a fork to Dom. Audra reached for some bread and popped it in the toaster.

They ate standing in the kitchen, discussing how they wanted to handle this situation.

When the food was gone, Audra brushed toast crumbs from her cleavage and said, “So, Shea, you’ll leave on your own. A short while later, Dom, you’re going to walk me out, arm in arm, looking like you’re madly in love with me.”

“Umm …” Dom was a better actor than Matty, but that wasn’t saying much. He didn’t have high hopes for an Oscar-worthy performance or anything.