Page 166 of The Blame Game

Shea threw something in his direction and Dom batted it back. It turned out to be balled up socks, which skidded across the bedroom floor before landing by Shea’s feet.

“Good reflexes,” Shea said, bending to pick them up.

“Well I’d fucking hope so,” Dom said with a laugh. “I’m old and apparently my ass is in need of repair, but my eyes and hands still work.”

“Your ass isn’t in need of repair,” Shea called out as he disappeared into the closet, then returned without the socks.

“Well, what is it?”

“Your gluteal artery.”

“Yeah. The artery in my ass.”

Shea snorted and stretched out beside him. “Hey, just be glad they can go in through your groin.” He grabbed Dom’s inner thigh.

Dom huffed. “I’ll be honest, I’m not wild about the thought of surgeons with knives that close to my dick and balls but I suppose I don’t have any choice, do I?”

“Nope.” Shea shot him a wolfish grin. “And you’ll have a hot live-in PT.”

Dom grinned. “Lucky me.”

He reached out and pulled Shea in for a kiss. When he drew back, he kept Shea close and looked him in the eye. “Seriously though, thanks for taking the day off to drive me to the hospital.”

“Yeah, of course. Thanks for making me your emergency contact.”

Dom’s phone vibrated and Shea let out a choking noise before he pulled it out from under him. “Well, that was a thrill.”

Dom smirked. “You’re welcome. It’s probably just one of the guys wishing me good luck tomorrow. Let me check it and then I’ll really show you a thrill. Gotta get it in while we can, right?”

Their sex life was going to be on LTIR for a while too.

“Don’t have to ask me twice.” Shea shucked off his sweats.

As Dom brought up the incoming text, his mind was more on getting his hands on Shea’s naked body than anything else. He stared at the message blankly for a few moments before the words sunk in.

Son, I know you may not look at this but I saw that you came out recently. I wasn’t sure if you’d want to hear from me since you were so angry the last time we saw each other. But we should talk. There are some things you need to hear. Especially now. -Your Dad

“Hey, you okay?” Shea asked quietly.

“Uhh.” Dom cleared his throat, blinking. “No. I … my dad texted me. We haven’t spoken in twenty years and he just fucking texted me out of the blue.”

Shea sat up. “Shit. What did he say?”

“I don’t … fuck, I don’t know,” Dom said numbly. “What does that mean?” He thrust his phone at Shea who took it with a frown.

“I don’t know.” Shea winced. “Actually, I, uh, that’s not entirely true. I might have some idea.”

“Yeah?” Dom frowned, confused.

Shea grimaced. “That night you, uh, mixed up your meds. You started talking about your family. About—about seeing your dad fuck another man. That was the last time you saw him, right?”

Dom felt a jolt go through him, like someone had suddenly thrown open a door to a room that he’d forgotten existed.

Not that he’d forgotten what he’d seen or that it was the last time he’d spoken to his father. But he rarely thought of it. And he’d had no idea he’d told Shea about it.

He’d never told anyone about it. Not even Christian.

The only person he’d ever told was his mother. And look where that had gotten him.