Page 150 of The Blame Game

It was surgery, but it would be minimally invasive. They’d snake a wire in through Dom’s groin to repair the artery. If everything went well, he’d have to be in the hospital for a couple of days before being released to go home.

There would be a rest period to heal before he would be able to train again. And then he’d need to condition to get back to playing form.

“How long before I’m back on the ice?” he asked with a frown.

“Even if we get you in for surgery next week, definitely not before the regular season ends. But as long as there are no complications or setbacks? You could make it back in time for post-season. Maybe a few weeks into it. I can’t promise you that, but that would be my projected outcome.”

Dom glanced over at Shea who nodded. “That seems very plausible to me too. Assuming you and the team are comfortable with it, Dom, I can help with the post-surgery rehab. Help you keep in as good of condition as possible while you’re out.”

Dr. Strickland chuckled. “I can’t say I’ve ever had a player who had a live-in PT but I certainly don’t see any downsides to that. It can only help.”

“Well,” Dom said, head still spinning from all of the information but feeling hopeful for the first time in over a month. “I guess I’m going to have to light a fire under the guys’ asses to get us as deep into the post-season as possible then. Because I want to keep playing.”

“So, what do you think?” Dom asked after he and Shea left Dr. Strickland’s office. “Should we go celebrate?”

“Yeah, I’d love that.” Shea smiled.

“I was thinking we could do dinner out—”

“How did it go?” a woman called out and Shea turned to see Kate striding down the hallway.

“Kate,” Dom said, sounding surprised, his tone a little teasing. “What are you doing here? Were you stalking me or something?”

She grinned. “Just a little bit. I did have something I needed to speak to Gilly about but I knew you had the appointment today and, well …”

Dom laughed. “It’s like you actually like me or something.”

“You’re alright,” she said with chuckle before glancing at Shea. “And hi, good to see you again.”

“You too.”

Kate looked between them. “Obviously, you don’t need to tell me anything if you don’t want to, Dom, but—”

“It’s good news,” Dom said with an easy smile. “Great news, actually.”


“Yeah. Apparently, I have an aneurysm.”

“That doesn’t sound like great news,” Kate said slowly.

Dom explained the situation and relief crossed her face when he was done. She reached out and touched his arm. “Oh, I am so glad to hear it. Both for your sake, and because it’ll be great to have you back for the post-season.”

They made small talk for a few minutes before Kate’s phone buzzed. She glanced at it, then excused herself. “Sorry. I should run. I promised my husband I would be home earlier tonight. He’s very patient with my erratic schedule so I try not to take that for granted.”

“Of course,” Dom said, pressing a hand to Shea’s back to urge him to fall into step beside Kate as they all walked toward the exit. “Enjoy your evening. We were actually talking about heading home to change and then going to a nice dinner to celebrate the good news.”

Her face brightened. “Perfect! Enjoy! And keep me updated on your procedure date, please.”

“I will.”

They turned a corner and came face-to-face with a young man. Shea would hardly have noticed him, except both Dom and Kate looked startled.

Disproportionately startled.

He wasn’t that noteworthy. He was attractive but he carried himself with a hunched, awkward posture. Maybe he was more important than Shea knew.

“K-kaate.” The guy blinked, swallowing hard. “What are you doing here?”