Dom smiled and held out a hand. “Hi, I don’t think we’ve met.”
“Joe Griffith.” He shook and gave Dom a pleasant smile. “Nice to meet you, Mr. Olson.”
“Call me Dom.”
He wanted to say something else, ask some questions to the group that would magically reveal the truth, but honestly, he had no idea what to say.
So he smiled at everyone and said goodbye, Audra doing the same.
They said goodbye to a few more people on the way out and it wasn’t until Dom had retrieved the car from the valet that Audra spoke.
“What was that about?” she asked with a frown.
“I’ll tell you when we get back to your apartment,” he said. “I think Shea should know what’s going on too.”
Stylists or Something More? Olson’s Recent “Dates” Raising Serious Questions.
Saturday evening, Dominic Olson attended the fifth annual charity gala hosted by the Toronto Fisher Cats with the beautiful redhead he’s recently been spotted with.
The woman—identified as Audra Morgan—works for Select Image Consulting.
An exclusive, invitation-only company whose services include etiquette and styling services for their clients … and maybe more?
Whispered speculation has suggested that Select Image Consulting offers services that are more personal than simply picking out the perfect pocket square or using the proper fork at a swanky event.
It was discovered recently that Morgan is roommates with none other than Shea Barnett—the man Olson was recently spotted with.
Yes, you heard us right, Shea.
Barnett, who goes by Sawyer when moonlighting for Select Image Consulting, works as a physiotherapist by day.
If there’s nothing shady about what he does as a “stylist,” why the secrecy?
Although some fans seem content to speculate that Olson, Barnett, and Morgan are simply involved in a love triangle or, perhaps, a ménage à trois, others claim that may be the tip of the iceberg scandal.
Rumors have continued to grow since the release of photos of Mark Goodwin—the Toronto Fisher Cats executive director for business operations—in a cozy conversation with Morgan. In one photo, he’s pressed close, speaking intimately with her.
Another client, perhaps?
While fans are divided on what the recent news means, the majority are not convinced the romance between Olson and the stunning redheaded woman is legit.
“Look, we all know that when he played for LA, Olson was involved with Allie Barnes, who has since come out. This is the same thing all over again. Olson is gay, Audra Morgan is his beard, and he’s another rich asshole paying for sex because he doesn’t want to come out of the closet.”
Shea awoke late the following morning and rolled over, staring at the ceiling, grateful it was a Sunday and he didn’t have to work.
Still wallowing in his funk, he’d been half asleep on the couch last night when Dom and Audra got back from the gala—much earlier than Shea had anticipated.
And then they’d told him about everything that had happened that evening.
That had certainly woken him up quickly.
The three of them hadn’t come to any solid conclusions about what to do about any of it though and, eventually, Dom had headed home for the night.
Shea had talked to Audra to get her private take on things, then gone to bed. But he’d lain awake for a long time, feeling guilty about everything that was happening.
He still felt guilty.