Page 124 of The Blame Game

One guy made a rather snide remark about Dom’s play and seemed to insinuate that him retiring early or being bought out of his contract would help out the team.

Dom gritted his teeth to keep from saying something he’d regret in response and Audra skillfully steered the conversation to another topic.

Dom was grateful. He knocked his knee against hers in appreciation before belatedly realizing that probably wasn’t how straight men showed their affection for women, especially not at swanky events like this.

God, he was hopeless, wasn’t he?

The pain in his hip and thigh was excruciating by the time they finished the coffee and dessert course and, unfortunately, that didn’t mean the event was over. There was also a silent auction and table games in the adjoining ballroom.

Dom stood, hiding a wince, then held his arm out for Audra to take.

She smiled. “You’re very gallant.”

“I learned everything I know about romance from old movies,” he said truthfully.

He remembered watching them with his mother when he was home sick from school, her cool hand on his forehead soothing the fever.

He felt a sudden, sharp stab of longing to hear her laugh, see her smile at him.

It had been a long time since he’d seen her, though he had no idea why he’d been thinking about his parents so much lately.

“Are you okay?” Audra asked softly.

“Yes.” He fixed a smile on his face. “How do you feel about gambling?”

“Depends—are we playing poker or blackjack?” She arched an eyebrow.

“Whichever you prefer,” he said.

She grinned, her expression turning sharp. “You’re going to regret you said that.”

She wasn’t wrong. She beat him—and everyone else at the table—numerous times at poker and he finally leaned in to speak in her ear after the last hand.

“Careful there, card shark. I think you’re starting to piss off the potential donors with the deep pockets,” he murmured.

Also, standing in one place for too long was killing him.

She laughed and picked up her purse. “Oh, fine. We can go get a drink if you’d like.” She glanced around the table. “Thank you, gentleman. I had fun playing with you.”

Everyone said their goodbyes, the men’s—and a few of the women’s—gazes lingering on Audra’s body.

“I suppose I don’t want to piss off the donors,” she said as they walked away. “This is a great charity. However, I’m a little bit disappointed you pulled me away so soon. I do love a good card game.”

“I can tell.”

“Maybe some time you should take me to a casino.”

Dom gave her a surprised look. “How much would I be paying you for this?” he asked quietly.

“Nothing! Or, at least, no more than what I win from you. I do have friends I hang out with free of charge.” Her eyes twinkled at him but he noticed the way she’d lifted her hand to her face, always careful to not let anyone read her lips.

They collected fresh drinks and mingled for a bit. As they neared one of the exits, Audra slowed. “Excuse me a moment. I need to use the restroom.”

“Of course.”

Almost before Dom could blink, Dustin appeared. “What’s the story there?”

“What’s what story?” Dom asked, resigned that he was going to get grilled about bringing a female date. “I invited Shea’s roommate to be my plus one for the evening. She’s lovely, no?”