Dom came suddenly and with little warning, gasping out his release, his hole so tight around Shea’s cock that he gasped too, fingers biting into Dom’s side as his own release hit.
Shea’s hips stuttered, all coordination lost as pleasure roared through him, too sudden and overwhelming to hold back.
“Dom,” he gasped against his skin, eyes suddenly wet, overcome. “Dom, I …”
But he couldn’t continue so he pressed his lips to Dom’s shoulder and let the orgasm wash away everything he hadn’t said aloud.
Shea lay heavy against Dom’s back and he shifted, trying to get his knees under him.
“Sorry,” Shea muttered and the heavy pressure disappeared as Shea sat up.
Wanting to see Shea’s face, Dom tried to turn but when he rotated his torso, he felt a sudden twinge, a sharp contraction of a muscle in his back.
He let out a gasp but Shea’s thumb was already there, digging into the pressure point, the pain intense enough to make him grunt before it faded so quickly it was like it was never there.
Dom collapsed, letting the pillows take all of his weight, and Shea pressed gentle fingertips to his hip, warning him before he eased out of his body.
The sudden, tender emptiness made Dom grimace, but he was too relaxed to protest. He carefully rolled onto his side, aware of the sticky wetness on his stomach, cold now that it was exposed to the air.
He fumbled ineffectually for something to clean up with and Shea laughed, his face bright and happy.
“Shut up,” Dom grumbled, flopping back onto the pillows and giving up. “This is your fault.”
“I’ve just never seen you quite this out of it.”
“You should take it as a compliment.”
“Trust me, I do.” Shea gave him a soft look.
“Hey. Why are you so far away? C’mere,” Dom said, his head still hazy, his body content. The only thing missing was Shea being close.
Shea leaned in, kissing him. It was a little clumsy because they were both smiling. Dom couldn’t seem to stop.
“We did okay for our first time trying that, I think.” Shea chuckled and drew back, turning away to dispose of the condom.
“Yeah,” Dom said thickly. “We did okay.”
That was the understatement of the century.
God, why had he waited so long to do this with Shea? And what else had they been missing out on?
Shea pulled a towel out from the tangle of sheets, then swiped at the mess on Dom’s body with it. Dom took it and cleaned himself the best he could, wincing at the drag of terrycloth against the sensitive head of his cock.
He’d need to get up at some point, wipe away the lube with a wet cloth, but for now, this was enough.
Shea made a face at the pillows he’d been inspecting and Dom guessed they were probably in needed of a good cleaning since Dom had come all over them. With a shrug, Shea tossed them off the bed like it didn’t matter.
Shea flopped onto the mattress on his back with a contented noise, making something tumble to the floor.
The lube probably.
Dom rolled toward Shea, draw in by the heat his body radiated and the desire to be closer. Shea wrapped an arm around him, pulling him in tight.
“Good suggestion,” Shea murmured, turning his head to briefly kiss Dom’s forehead.
Dom smiled, wondering if anyone had ever kissed him there and he thought probably not. Not since he was a small child. He settled a hand on Shea’s stomach, his skin a little damp.
Honestly, they probably needed another thorough shower. Dom would get right on that once he could feel his legs again.