Page 221 of The Blame Game

Antoni chuckled. “It was mostly Charlie.”

August nodded his agreement. “Absolutely.”

“Well, I still appreciate it,” Shea assured them. “I think Kate was right—”

“Kate is always right.” Charlie grinned.

“I mean about making this a group effort. And your idea for the networking group for SAPs sounds amazing. I had no idea you were working on that.”

“Me neither,” August said.

Charlie giggled. “Yeah, about that … I totally made it up off the cuff.”

“Damn, you’re quick on your feet,” Antoni said, sounding impressed.

“I’m a marvel,” Charlie said breezily, striking a pose. “Now, what do you say to lunch, boys? I think we have a networking group and app to design. Because I don’t know about you, but now that I’ve come up with the idea, I intend to make it a reality.”


“I can’t believe you’re eating tiramisu out of the Cup at this hour of the morning,” Shea said, vaguely disgusted.

“It could’ve been worse,” Dom mumbled around a mouthful of it.


He swallowed. “It could’ve been oysters.”

Reginald Hudson let out a laugh from across the room. Shea glanced over.

Today was Dom’s Cup Day so Reggie, the Keeper of the Cup, would be following them around as they took the trophy to Shea’s work and then to London, where Shea’s family was hosting a backyard party.

Shea had felt a little sad, thinking of what Dom would have done if they hadn’t met.

When he’d asked, Dom had shrugged. “It doesn’t matter,” he said simply. “I have you now.”

“C’mon, one more shot,” Kurt begged and Dom glanced up at his father while he snapped another photo of him eating his favorite dessert out of the trophy’s bowl.

Well, Dom’s plans for the day weren’t all bad.

He was celebrating with his father and Robert this morning. Kurt’s husband—who they’d met last week—was a quiet, thoughtful man. Shea liked him and he was beginning to warm up to Kurt.

The man was trying to bridge the distance between him and Dom, which was all that mattered to Shea.

“Fuck I’m proud of you, son,” Kurt said quietly and the look in Dom’s eyes nearly took Shea’s breath away.

Yeah, Shea was probably going to wind up liking the guy by the time this all was done.

“Thanks, Dad,” Dom whispered. “That means a lot to me.”

He glanced over. “Maybe Shea can get a shot of the two of us, Dad? I don’t have any pictures of us anymore.”

“Yeah, of course.” Shea smiled, taking Kurt’s phone when he held it out. “I’d be happy to.”

When Shea was done, he passed the phone back to Kurt.

“I can get one of the four of you, if you’d like,” Reggie called out and Shea was a little surprised when Dom reached out and took Shea’s hand, pulling him closer.

“Yeah, please. I’d like that. We need some family pictures to hang up.”