She chuckled. “To be honest, I nearly lost my cool.”
“Happens to the best of us,” he said. “On and off the ice. If you’re lucky, you have someone who has your back.”
“Yeah, but you don’t have brass knuckles on you.” She grinned, lifting her purse.
Dom laughed and they went in search of Dustin.
Thankfully, it wasn’t difficult to find him. He stood in the hallway nearby, in deep conversation with Kate.
Dustin looked up as they approached. “Hey, is everything okay?”
“Yes. Can we speak somewhere private though?”
Kate’s eyebrows rose. “Is this something I need to know about?”
Dom glanced at Audra, who nodded. “Yes.”
“Then follow me.” A few minutes later, they were in a small room that was clearly being used by the team to stage the event. There were folders and binders and assorted boxes of decorations everywhere but it was free of people.
There was nowhere to sit, so they stood or leaned wherever they could.
When the door had shut behind them, Dom said, “Why don’t you explain what happened, Audra.”
“Well, I work as a stylist,” she said. “And Mark Goodwin was one of my clients.”
“Was?” Kate said, her expression of concern deepening.
“Yes. He … he crossed some boundaries. Made me uncomfortable. My contract gives me the right to end my working relationship with a client for any reason. I warned him, he kept pushing, and he was quite unhappy when I followed through.”
Kate frowned, crossing her arms. “Did he threaten you?”
“Not in so many words. He followed me a few times after appointments, kept trying to get me to talk to him.”
“But nothing criminal?” Dustin asked.
“No.” Audra shook her head. “Just this side of it. The company refused to work with him anymore, which made him even angrier. But after a while, he faded away. I had no idea why but as long as he was gone, I didn’t have any reason to push, you know?”
“Yes, that makes sense,” Kate agreed.
“I haven’t thought about him in a couple of years though,” Audra continued. “I had honestly forgotten that he worked for the Fisher Cats. I certainly never expected to see him here.”
Kate nodded. “Why would you? Did he approach you tonight?”
“Yes. I was coming back from the bathroom. He—he got into my personal space and was quite upset. Said he didn’t understand what I was doing here with Dom.”
Dustin coughed and Dom elbowed him in the ribs.
Kate smirked but didn’t say anything. “Did he do anything to threaten you or harm you in any way?”
“He briefly grabbed my arm but he let go once Dom approached.”
“Of course,” Kate said, exchanging a look with Audra.
“That’s pretty much it, I think,” Audra said, glancing over at Dom for confirmation.
Dom nodded. “I only caught the tail end but that fits with what I saw.”
“So what now?” Dustin asked.