“What do they have?” Elysse holds my hand as we enter. A wave of emotion overwhelms me. It’s not from the memories of my family. It’s from Elio. This was the place Elio took me on our first date. I can still picture it perfectly—the nervous flutter in my chest as I walked through the door on Elio’s arm. The way he looked at me across the table like I was the center of the universe for him. I’d already been smitten with him, but that night, I fell head over heels for him.
I shake the memory away. “Spaghetti and meatballs, your favorite.”
“Yay.” Elysse bounces on her toes, her excitement palpable.
The hostess greets us with a warm smile, leading us to a cozy booth in the back. As I slide in across from Elysse, I'm hit with a fresh wave of memories. The night he gave me the promise ring, he’d arranged our meal from this restaurant to be delivered to the rooftop. Maybe bringing her here wasn’t a good idea.
Refocusing on the present, I read the menu. It hasn’t changed except for a few new items. “They have mozzarella sticks.”
“Can we get them?”
“Of course.”
As Elysse pores over the options, chattering excitedly about mozzarella sticks and spaghetti and meatballs, I feel the knot in my stomach start to loosen. Yes, this place is inextricably tied to Elio in my mind. But it doesn't have to stay that way. I can reclaim it, make it a special place for Elysse and me.
A flutter of activity near the door has me looking up. My heart leaps into my throat as Elio strides through the restaurant, looking every inch the charismatic, powerful man he’s become. He's wearing a perfectly tailored suit, his dark hair artfully tousled, his eyes scanning the room with a cool, assessing gaze.
For a moment, I'm frozen, torn between two equally powerful urges. Part of me wants to run to him, to throw myself into his arms and beg him to save me from this nightmare of a life. He said he wanted to help me, protect me.
But the other part of me, the wiser, warier part, knows better. Elio abandoned me when I needed him most, left me to face the consequences of our actions alone. I can't put my faith in him again. I have to be my own hero now.
I duck my head, hiding behind my menu. Moments tick by, and I can’t help myself. I peek over the top of my menu. Elio's eyes land on me, followed by a slow, devastating smile. He starts making his way toward our booth, his stride confident and purposeful.
Panic rises in my throat, and I feel the sudden urge to flee. I plaster on a smile, for Elysse, not him. I don’t want her catching on to Elio’s past with me.
"Piper," he says warmly as he reaches our table, his voice sending shivers down my spine. "What a pleasant surprise."
I keep smiling, but it’s possible I’m grimacing. "Elio. What are you doing here?"
His eyes flick to Elysse, then back to me, a question in their depths. But he doesn't ask, just slides into the booth next to Elysse, ignoring the tension crackling between us.
"And who is this lovely young lady?" he asks, turning his megawatt charm on my daughter.
A new sort of panic fills me. For the first time ever, Elysse is sitting next to her father. Will he figure it out? He knew I was pregnant. Did he forget?
Elysse, always eager to make a new friend, introduces herself. “I’m Elysse and I’m seven years old.” She holds up seven fingers.
Elio grins and holds out his hand to shake hers. “Hello, Elysse. I’m Elio D’Amato and I’m twenty-six years old.”
My heart constricts as Elysse beams back at him and shakes his hand, clearly charmed. I watch, both worried and at the same time strangely moved. I study Elio's face, trying to reconcile the man in front of me with the boy I loved so fiercely, so recklessly.
As if sensing my gaze, Elio looks up, his eyes locking with mine. And in that moment, I see a flicker of something—concern, perhaps, or regret. His gaze lingers on my cheek, on the spot where I know the faint shadow of Gabriel's bruise still lingers beneath my makeup.
I look away, shame and anger burning in my chest. I don't want his pity, don't want him to see how far I've fallen. I just want him to leave, to let me get through this dinner with my daughter in peace.
“That’s my mom.”
“We’ve met.”
Elysse’s brow furrows. “Really?”
“I met your mom when I was in high school.” His eyes are on mine, shining with a mixture of amusement and mischievousness.
“Really?” Her eyes widen like saucers.
“It was a long time ago.” A lifetime ago. I’m only twenty-five, but I feel ancient, all of a sudden. That woman I’d been eight years ago, young, vibrant, bold… she’s long gone, and it fills me with sadness.
“It feels like yesterday?” His gaze stays on me.