Page 22 of Merciless King

"Shh, it's okay, baby," I murmur, holding her tight and pressing a kiss to the top of her head. "He's gone now. You're safe."

I know, though, that the respite is only temporary. Gabriel will be back, and I dread the moment when he returns, knowing that he'll likely be in an even worse mood, especially if he’s been drinking. If I’m lucky, he’ll find comfort in the arms of another woman and won’t return tonight at all.

Tears sting my eyes as I hold Elysse. I hate myself for not having the courage to simply pack us up and run. I would if his threat wasn’t always directed at Elysse. He knows the way to control me is through her.

I take a deep, shuddering breath, trying to steady my own emotions. I need to be strong for Elysse's sake. She's looking to me for comfort, for guidance, and I can't let her down. Not again. We can't continue living this way. The fear, the abuse, the constant walking on eggshells—it has to end. Elysse deserves so much more than this. We both do.

My heart pounds in my chest as I consider my options. I know I need to find a way out, for Elysse's sake.

“He hurt you again.”

"I'm so sorry, baby," I whisper, my voice thick with emotion. "I'm going to make this right, I promise.”

I think of Elio.

I’m going to make you happy, Piper. I promise.

For a moment, I think about calling him and asking for his help. But how can I? Elio’s sort of help could lead to murder, and I don’t want to be a party to that. I don't know the specifics of how Mafia families and businesses run, but I know there is a great deal of risk. What’s that saying about jumping from the frying pan into the fire? That’s what asking for his help would involve, moving from one dangerous situation to another.

I hold Elysse close, vowing to find a way to break free, no matter what. It’s time for me to be the protector. I can’t expect a man or anyone to save me, to save Elysse. That’s my job.

“Let me fix us some dinner, okay?”

She sniffs. “Okay.”

A few minutes later, I have pasta and cheese on the table. “Tell me about school.” I work to make my voice light, but Elysse isn’t having any of it. She pokes at her food. It won’t be long before she sees me for what I am and resents me. I’m a coward.

After dinner, I clean up the kitchen and air out the burnt smell. Because Elysse has withdrawn and won't talk to me, I turn on a movie and we sit together watching it until her bedtime.

Once she’s asleep, I go to the bathroom in my room. I look at the woman in the mirror. The woman I’ve become. I’m worn down. Weary. A dark bruise mars my cheek. I’ve come to learn it’s one reason Gabriel doesn’t want me to leave the house. He doesn’t want anyone to see the evidence on me that he's a monster.

What am I teaching my daughter? The idea that someone would do this to Elysse guts me. Yet here I am, the model of succumbing to domestic abuse.

I find my phone and open my web browser. I start to enter a search term to find shelters or services to help me. But I only have two letters entered when I consider that Gabriel often checks my phone. The image of Gabriel, his hand ready to strike Elysse, flashes in my mind. His threat to harm her if I try to leave…

I set my phone down, and my soul cries out at my cowardice.



Iwake up with a renewed sense of purpose, my mind racing with thoughts of Piper. The connection we shared all those years ago still burns hot, wild, perfect. I’m determined to rekindle that flame.

As I get ready, I can't stop thinking about how I'll approach this. I know I need to be cautious, to tread carefully. I can’t assume that all is well between us simply because we had sex. I remember her wariness, which I’m not sure is specifically about me or life in general. I smile as I think back to having to breach her defenses with charm and patience in high school. I can do it again. I will do it again.

Needing to see her, I drive to her home, planning to arrive about the time she returns from taking her daughter to school the day before. A daughter. I can’t deny how envious I am of the man who made a child with her. A child who should have been mine.

But I still hold to the fact that Piper isn’t happy. I know I can fix that for her. I haven’t met her child, but I’m fully prepared to embrace her.

As I drive to Piper’s house, I map out the conversation in my head. I suppose the first thing is to find out why she left, and if I was at fault, to find a way to make amends. I'll tell her that I never stopped thinking about her, that she's the only one who's ever made me feel truly alive. And I'll ask her, straight out, if there's any chance we can start over. Maybe I should make my case a bit more before I ask that. I don’t want to give her any reason to doubt me.

My heart races as I pull up to her house. I feel like I'm on the edge of finally having everything I ever wanted. I’m excited, yet nervous. What if she says no? I shake that from my head. I know she and I are meant to be together. She might try to push me away, but not even she can deny our connection.

I trot up to the front door ready for the next phase of life. I knock, one last time replaying what I want to say.

The door opens only a crack. I can barely see Piper, and what I do see is a woman wearing large, dark sunglasses. I lean in because I think I see the hint of a bruise on her cheek. Alarm bells start ringing in my head.

"Piper, what's wrong?" I push the door open, ignoring her attempt to keep me out.