I heard other footsteps and immediately reached for my weapon.
Sergei finally walked in, immediately shaking his head. “I couldn’t find him, boss. He got away in an unmarked dark sedan with no fucking plates. I tried to follow but the fucker knows the city and the traffic didn’t help.”
It wouldn’t on a goddamn Saturday night.
“Any glimpse of him?”
“Not one. He was a cagey motherfucker.”
I was exhausted, more so than I wanted to admit. “Okay. Did you check the bodies?”
“They managed to get the work done before the cops got there. They took the van to the warehouse. They’re going through it now.”
“The bodies?”
“They’re being disposed of now.”
Nodding, I wasn’t entirely certain how I wanted to handle this. “Make certain the soldiers are all accounted for and backup is scheduled for outside around the perimeter.” I had a feeling it was going to be a long night. With fishing occurring regarding my accounts, someone was trying to find another way in.
With no one to officially blame, the first thing I would need to do was find out who’d been injured in the attack. That would be by the help of Aleksander. At least I’d known he’d gotten out without incident.
“I want to know if anything is found inside the van. I don’t care what time of day it is. Call me.”
“Oh, no, you don’t,” Caroline said as she returned. “You need your rest and that’s what you’re going to get. You don’t bother him until after nine in the morning.” She pointed her finger at Sergei before looking in my direction.
So did my Capo, raising both his eyebrows. He was looking for my direction. I half laughed but nodded. He knew to call me if necessary. I’d trained my people well.
“I’ll call you in the morning,” he said as if following her directions.
As soon as he walked out, she turned to me again. “Stubborn bastard.”
The slight moment of tension was entirely too awkward. I’d been a fool to think I could shove her out of my life so easily. It wasn’t possible. “Remember what I told you earlier?”
“Which part? I didn’t ignore your rules. I really didn’t.”
I brushed my fingers up and down her arm. “Not that.” The hunger I felt for her was debilitating. But my mind was made up, which shocked the hell out of me.
She threw me another exasperated look. “Then what?”
“The thought of losing you bothered me. It pissed me off. I will not let it happen again.”
I sensed she wanted to laugh but slumped slightly. “I hate this shit.”
“I know you do but here’s the thing. You crashed into my life and whether it was fate or something else no longer matters. I want you. You are mine. That’s not up for debate anymore.”
“What are you saying?”
“I thought that was easy to decipher. You are mine. Period.”
I wasn’t certain whether there was relief or intolerance in her eyes but when she shifted closer, placing her head on my chest, I took a deep breath, drinking all of her in. “Okay.”
The single word was all I needed.
“Come here.” My voice was gruff, as unforgiving as she believed me to be.
Caroline lifted her head, scrunching up that cute nose of hers. “I’m right here.”
“Not close enough.” I patted my hand on my lap.