Finn managed to track the number of the asshole who’s been harassing Sienna.
But according to the map, he’s not in Wakefield.
I fumble with my phone and call Sienna’s number. Fuck, fuck, fuck. The phone rings. And rings.
“Shit. She’s not fucking answering.” I jam my phone in my pocket, snatch my bag, and race for the door. “We need to go.”
The bastard is in Diamond. He’s fucking on campus.
Chapter 22
My heart plummets to my feet. Marcus isn’t in a mask to conceal his identity this time. The sun is still setting—he wouldn’t attack me in broad daylight in a deserted parking lot on campus. Would he?
How the hell did he find me? He’s been following me since I spotted his red Cadillac, waiting for his moment to pounce. Those hazel eyes beneath the mask at the Sigma Chi party really did belong to him.
What would’ve happened to me if Knox and Damien hadn’t appeared to lure me upstairs?
What will happen to me now?
With every step he takes toward me, the knot in my stomach twists tighter and tighter.
Marcus doesn’t have anything to lose. I’ve already taken away his shot at the NFL and his shot with Juliet. His spot on his college football team, his ability to walk without a limp. I ruined his life.
Just like that night in the treehouse, I don’t have a single weapon on me. Nothing I can use as self-defense beyond a backpack full of borrowed textbooks and an ancient laptop.
He let me get the upper hand then. He won’t let that happen again.
Flashes of that night in the park come racing back. Marcus landing a punch to my stomach, shoving me to the frozen ground and straddling me, yanking down the zipper on my jeans.
You think you can accuse me of some sick shit I didn’t do? You think you can get away with ruining my life? If you’re going to accuse me, I might as well be guilty.
“Get in the car.” The serpentine voice slithers down my spine. The voice I hear in my nightmares, as clear as if he’s whispering the words in my ear.
I retreat a step, heart jackhammering wildly against my ribcage. Even with a limp, he’ll catch me if I run. But I have to try. “No.”
A deep scowl transforms his face to the monster I remember. “You think you can just run away? Hide out like nothing happened? Nah, you don’t deserve to get away with what you did.”
I back up another step. Another. Panic bubbles up and stings my eyes. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, Marcus. I didn’t?—”
“You didn’t mean it,” he snarls. Even with his casual, staggering pace, he’s closing the distance between us too quickly. “But you did. You shoved me out of that fucking treehouse. You’re lucky you didn’t get an attempted murder charge.”
“If I could take it back...” Tears stream down my face, but I can’t finish the sentence.
You didn’t do anything wrong, Sienna. You did what any good person would’ve done in that situation. You thought you were witnessing a crime, and you stopped it. It’s not your fault.
Luke is right—what happened to Marcus wasn’t my fault. I acted how anyone would in that situation. And I wouldn’t take it back. In fact, if this is the kind of person Juliet was sleeping with, I’m glad I shoved him. I only wish he’d stopped breathing too.
“You can’t.” Marcus’s voice echoes off the library wall behind me. “So now I’ve got to do something about it. You ruined my life. Now I’m ruining yours.”
I’ve never been this afraid in my life. Not in the treehouse, and not even that night in the park. Now I know what Marcus is capable of. “Was it you? Sending me those messages?”
His laugh is mirthless. “You never responded. Not very nice of you.”
Running me out of town wasn’t enough for Marcus. Beating me in the dark with his friends wasn’t enough to satisfy him. I don’t know what will be, and I don’t want to find out.
I retreat another step only for my back to collide with the rough brick. Fuck. He has me cornered. “How did you find me?”