Page 66 of Drown in You

I snort. “So unhinged psychopaths.”

Too bad for Juliet, Trey Lamont was kicked off campus last semester. She just missed her dream man.

We know it won’t last, though. Trey’s father is the Head of Athletics. Daddy’s money and influence will buy his way back onto campus and the Diamond Devils team. Just a matter of time.

“I’m going back to my table now. Pretend to stare at my ass while I walk away.”

“Why are you helping me?”

“It’s not for you,” she says simply. “It’s for her. Sienna is the best friend I’ve ever had. She’s been through a lot, and she deserves to be happy.”

I can’t keep my eyes off Sienna anymore. Her cheeks are pink as she flips through pages of her textbook. Hard proof of her jealousy. “Why is she really here? What’s she running from?”

Juliet stiffens. “She’ll tell you when she’s ready.” She hops down from the table, blue eyes softening with concern for her friend. “Just look out for her, okay? Protect her.”

“I will. From anything.”

Chapter 17


Sigma Chi knows how to get a girl drunk. Give me some fruit juice with vodka I can’t taste and I’m the happiest girl in the frat house.

In the dimly lit living room packed with sweaty bodies, Juliet, Violet, and I are the only ones dancing. At least, dancing in a way that doesn’t involve grinding on someone.

I’m in the new black dress Luke bought me. On my bed, he left the box with a note on top. Wear this to the Sigma Chi party.

Buying me a new dress was the least he could do after he ruined the last one, but I still grinned like an idiot when I pulled it from the box.

Juliet brays a laugh at my outrageous, spindly dance moves, bending at the waist. “You are sooo drunk!” she slurs.

Violet giggles. “You both are.”

“You’re not?” I hiccup.

“Wes only likes to fuck me when I’m sober.” Even through his mask, she can tell he’s watching her from across the room. She waggles her fingers at him and he nods his chin up at her.

“I’m so jealous that you’re getting laid by a masked man tonight!” I shout over the music.

“You can too.” Violet grins, and I panic that she means Luke until she gestures at the crowd. “You have plenty of options.”

All of the Devils are here tonight wearing masks. Ghostfaces, Punishers, Jasons. Skull masks, purge masks, gas masks. All of the Devils except one. Luke is a no-show.

I’m pretty sure, anyway. I’m starting to not be able to tell them apart, and I’m not certain if it’s because of the masks or the alcohol. Who knew college hockey teams had twenty-five players.

Juliet points at a guy with a five o’clock shadow on the couch. “I’m going to make out with that guy. Bye, bitches.” Without another word, she stumbles away. I’m surprised she’s not waiting for Luke to show up.

I’m not allowed to be jealous when I encouraged the two of them to get together. I just didn’t think they’d take me up on the suggestion so readily. Or right in front of my face.

In a fucking library, for god’s sake. Is no place sacred anymore?

Seeing my best friend flirting with Luke confirmed my biggest fear—I don’t want him to be with anybody else. I want him to be mine.

Violet bursts into a fit of giggles when Juliet climbs onto the guy’s lap and his eyes pop open. But when Juliet kisses him, he doesn’t protest and his hands land on her hips.

Wes appears behind Violet, wrapping his arms around her waist. She spins in his arms, looping her hands behind his neck. I’m forgotten, and I can’t blame either of them. I would definitely rather be grinding with a hot masked man right now than dancing among a bunch of sweaty strangers.

Now that I’m dancing by myself, I drain the rest of my drink. I can’t remember the last time I was this drunk. My head is starting to swim, but my legs still manage to keep me upright.