“No. Hence the falling.” She tucks the camera in her purse and takes another gulp of her drink before her gaze rakes over me. Her sultry green eyes set me on fire. She better stop fucking looking at me like that before I bend her over this bar. I’m already sporting a semi. “What’s with the suit?”
“I own the hotel.”
She snorts at my equally obvious lie. “Oh, good. Maybe you can upgrade my room then.”
I swirl the liquid in my glass. “Meeting someone?”
She bats her lashes at me. “If I was meeting someone, I wouldn’t be sitting here with you. I like my men jealous and possessive.”
Wouldn’t know any other way to be. I take another gulp of whiskey. Already starting to catch a buzz. Abstaining from alcohol for hockey has turned me into a lightweight.
“What’s your name?” I ask, because I’m not supposed to know.
A smile plays on her ruby lips. “Mystery.”
So no real names then. That’s fine. I’m used to that.
“What’s yours?” she asks.
This pulls a genuine laugh from her, and it’s the most magical sound I’ve ever heard.
Her palm lands on my thigh, red-painted nails skimming along my pants and sending chills down my spine. “I think I have an idea to shake up our miserable evenings. If you want to come up to my room with me.”
Jesus. This isn’t at all how I expected tonight to go. Through text, she’s the sweet, caring, funny girl. Not the seductive vixen. But I like this side of her.
No, I fucking love it.
I shouldn’t go through with this. Not when I know exactly who she is and she has no clue who I am. Not when I know that we’re already step-siblings.
“Don’t worry. I’m not going to get attached or ask for your number or stalk you on social media.” She squeezes my thigh. “I just want to get fucked.”
Well, shit. Hard to say no now. Especially when my cock is rock-solid.
Fuck it. If Sienna wants me to fuck her, I’ll give her every inch. I’ve daydreamed about a night with her for a while, and this may be the only chance I get once she finds out who I really am.
I let her pull me off the stool. “Where’s your room?”
Chapter 5
This is quite possibly the second-worst decision I’ve ever made.
Maybe I shouldn’t be inviting strange men up to the hotel room my estranged father paid for. But I don’t care. I want a wild night of hot sex with a gorgeous stranger to make me forget.
And my god is he gorgeous. Blond hair—so dark you might almost mistake it for brown—curls adorably around his ears. He has a square jaw that I bet would clench particularly attractively when he’s angry and soft gray eyes that betray the sorrows he’s running from.
His dark suit is tight around his arms and shoulders, and I’m dying to rip his clothes off to reveal the hard, bulging muscles underneath. He’s probably an athlete, but I’m not going to ask. If he says he’s a football player, I might not be able to go through with this.
The instant he gave me that disposable camera, he reminded me of Ten, and even though it’s ridiculous, it made me feel safe with him.
He presses a hand against the door above my head, forcing me to lean back and crane my neck to meet his gaze. His heady, musky scent floods my nose and I want to wrap myself in it like a blanket. Those gray eyes are no longer soft—they’re electric.
“You sure you want to do this?” His low, rumbling voice turns the butterflies fluttering gently in my stomach into a full-blown butterfly tornado.
I’m sure as hell that I want to do this now.