Page 12 of Drown in You

It’s bad enough that we’re about to be step-siblings in the eyes of the law. Bad enough that she might show up at the wedding and somehow put all the pieces together. But to be under the same roof?

There’s no fucking way she won’t figure out Ten’s real identity. Every time she messages Ten, my phone will chime. She’s smart—she’ll catch on fast.

And then I’ll lose her forever.

“Why the hell is she staying here?”

Ma flinches but forces a smile. “I was thinking you could show her around campus. We’ll be on our honeymoon, but I was hoping you and your teammates could help her move into the dorm.”

Jesus. Living in my house, attending the same university. I always thought if I ever met Sienna in person someday, the friendship between us would grow into something more. But I never did come up with a solution about how I’d get away with catfishing her from day one.

If she moves in, that friendship has to end. I won’t be able to keep up the ruse anymore. Not when I plan on taking this secret to the grave.

My hands curl into fists. “Why is she moving here?”

Mike shifts uncomfortably. “We think it’s in her best interest.”

Does this have something to do with why she disappeared from social media? Why she suddenly wanted to live her life “unplugged”? Something’s going on that she’s not telling me.

So I guess we’ve both got our secrets now.

I stand. Because Ma wants to marry a guy she’s already dumped once, now I have to give up Sienna. The one person I’ve been able to count on, the one person I’ve trusted with almost everything. The universe is fucked. “She can find somebody else to move her shit in. Maybe, I don’t know, her dad.”

Ma glances at Mike as if she expects him to defend her like my father would. Don’t talk to your mother like that. But he doesn’t. He’s smarter than that—he knows it wouldn’t end well for him.

“I don’t know what’s gotten into you lately, Luke,” Ma calls at my back. “But you’re a part of this family, and you’ll be at the wedding.”

She’s using her courtroom voice now. She’s not fucking around. I turn to face her and lean against the wall, arms folded because I’m not either.

If she wants me at that wedding, she’ll have to knock me out and drag me. I’m not showing up in a suit and pretending like I approve of this shit. I don’t care if Mike is a decent guy—they haven’t been together that long.

But even if they’d been together the past five years, I wouldn’t want her to marry him. I can’t stand by and let her make Sienna my stepsister with a smile on my face.

“We’re adults and we make our own decisions, with or without your approval.” Ma perches with her hands on her hips in front of me now. “I don’t care how old you are—you live under my roof and I’m still your mother. If I say you’ll be at the wedding, you’ll be at the wedding. Or you can pay for your tuition and housing on your own.”

So she’s playing that card. It’s too late before next semester to apply for loans, and there’s no way in hell I’m giving up my spot on the Diamond Devils hockey team.

Other than talking to Sienna, hockey is the only thing that clears my mind. Getting drafted to the NHL was Pop’s dream for me. I won’t let him down. Not again.

I shrug, teeth clenched. “Fine.”

When I turn to leave the room, Ma calls after me. “You’ll help Sienna move into her dorm too. Maybe you can ask Wes and Knox and some of your other friends to help.”

“Whatever. I’m going to shower.”

This isn’t how meeting her was supposed to go. We weren’t supposed to meet at all. We’d keep up this online friendship forever, and I’d never have to reveal the disappointing man beneath the mask.

Upstairs, I check my phone, the steam rising from the shower.

My heart sinks when I spot the messages from Sienna.


So apparently I’m moving in with my father.

I’m kind of nervous.

Before, I would’ve responded the second I read her texts. Would’ve reassured her that I’d help her get through anything. Would’ve told her she’s the bravest girl I know.