I punch the dude on top of me in the nose with the last of my strength and he finally goes down.
A loud squeal rips through the night air as the door to the athletics building bursts open.
A girl in all-black with red streaks in her hair darts out, aiming right for Marcus like a hornet. She lands a kick on his shin, and he curses, dropping Sienna to clutch at his leg.
Juliet screeches like a banshee, shoving him like he’s not twice her size. “What the fuck, Marcus? Get out of here!”
My head swims as I climb to unsteady feet. Sienna jerks forward, striking Marcus between the legs.
He groans, hands rushing to cradle his aching balls.
Despite my pounding temple and the throbbing ache in my jaw, my back, my knuckles, I grin. That’s my girl.
From the door, four of the Devils emerge. Wes, Knox, Damien, and Finn.
I’ve never been so happy to see them.
Wes takes one look at me and charges at Marcus.
The bastard doesn’t even have time to retreat before the Devils are raining hell down on him. He goes down like a sack of rocks.
His buddy with the greasy hair doesn’t bother trying to help him out. He scrambles for the Cadillac, cranking the ignition and blasting the lights in our faces.
Surrounded by the Devils punching and kicking him, all Marcus can do is hold his arms up to block their attack.
I take a shaky step forward, my lip fat and coming back bloody, but I’m doing a hell of a lot better than Marcus.
“Stop!” Sienna screams. Thank god she’s smart enough not to try to intervene. “Stop! Let him go!”
Wes glances at me. When I nod, he stops his attack, and the other Devils follow suit.
In the doorway, Violet hovers wide-eyed while Juliet stands with arms crossed, fire and brimstone burning in her eyes. “You’ve taken this way too fucking far, Marcus.”
He rises slowly, face red and puffy, before limping off and dragging his buddy off the ground who’s finally come to. He tosses a glare back at Sienna. “This isn’t over.”
“You just assaulted my boyfriend. It’s definitely fucking over for you.”
I don’t know what part I enjoyed hearing from her mouth more. The confident defiance or calling me her boyfriend.
As soon as the Cadillac peels out of the parking lot, Knox shouts, “Dumbass didn’t get scared off the first time?”
Damien heads back to the building. “Whatever. I see a fight, I jump in.”
“Worse hobbies to have.” Knox shrugs, following him before grinning at Juliet. “You kicked ass.”
She shrugs. “I know.”
Sienna runs to me, throwing her arms around my neck and whimpering into my shoulder. My heart nearly bursts. She was so fucking worried about me. She could’ve gotten hurt, but she’s okay. She’s okay.
I didn’t lose her again.
Wes bumps my fist and Finn nods at me before they follow our teammates inside, giving us privacy.
“Are you okay?” Sienna whispers.
I nod, pulling back to cradle her face and examine every inch. “Are you? Did he hurt you?”
I’ll chase him down right now?—