Naz stood where he was, staring at him.
“And lose that fucking pussy? Not a chance. She’s worth more than that.”
Naz’s palms began to sweat. Julio was going to sell her?
“But only when I’m tired of her. Besides.” He sighed. “Seb made a good point on the way back. That dealer was itching to pull before Meg screwed up. And you shot him quickly enough, and two more.” His hand reached for Naz’s shoulder, making his skin crawl when it squeezed. “So I’d prefer if we don’t kill each other over some snatch. I wish I had two more of you, honestly. José was the biggest waste of space, but I’m relieved as hell he’s not dead.” One more squeeze, and Julio released him.
Naz studied Julio’s face. His lips were pressed together, but his eyes didn’t look hard, just tired. Naz still hesitated to shift out of his path to the room Meg was in.
“I’m not pissed,” Julio warned, “but if you don’t move, no guarantees.”
Naz didn’t move aside. He waved his hand at the door instead.
Julio let out a disgusted sound. “I don’t read hand gestures. And please don’t try to speak again. Hearing your voice is annoying as hell.”
Naz pulled out his phone.
‘What are you going to do to her?’
A smirk raised the corner of Julio’s mouth when Naz showed him the question. “That’s not really any of your business, now is it?”
Naz wanted to carve that smirk off his face. He put away his phone to free up his hands.
Julio sighed again. “She’s gotta be taught a lesson. So I’m going to fuck her rough.”
Naz wished he hadn’t asked.
“Don’t worry.” Julio’s eyes laughed at him. “She loves it rough. Comes all over my cock. But you can watch if you’re worried.”
Naz jerked to the side.
Julio chuckled. “That’s what I thought. You’re such a fucking pussy sometimes.” He shoved past, bumping Naz’s shoulder. “Go get one of those pills for her again. I’m not pulling out. She deserves it. She hates leaking cum.”
When the door opened, Naz saw Meg inside the room, perched on the bed and staring past Julio at him.
He turned away before the door had completely shut. A walk to the store would clear his head.
It was almost morning by the time Meg came to the area where they normally slept together. ‘Normally’ was the wrong way to think about it. They hadn’t known each other long enough for it to be normal.
She didn’t sit beside him, didn’t put her head on his shoulder. She wouldn’t even look at him. One of her hands stretched out.
“Julio sent me. Give it to me.”
Naz stared at that hand. There was discoloration around the wrist. Her eyes looked hollow, not bright with life like he was used to.
He left the bag next to him on the ground and grabbed his phone.
‘You okay?’
She made a disgusted sound in her throat, closing her eyes. “Why do you even care?” Her voice was barely a whisper of air.
With her eyes shut, it was pointless to type anything. Not that Naz had an explanation. All he knew was that he felt like he’d lost something. He’d never had anything to lose before.
He concentrated on her face, on her eyes squeezed tightly shut, dark shadows underneath the lashes. Her lips looked bruised, and he hated that.
Her eyes flew open at the sound of her name, catching him cringing. He’d been practicing in his head all night, but it still sounded like shit.