Page 45 of Tame the Beast

“Don’t curse in from of my goddaughter.” She narrows her eyes at me. Yeah, Joy declared herself a godmother that first day too.

Alec, Hope’s husband, and Jacob rock-paper-scissored who will be the godfather. No lie. They stood there for a solid hour, playing to the tune of Mellie’s wailing until Alec won and Jacob is still pouting over it because he already bought a shirt that said: Best Ducking Godfather.

So, a day later he showed up in another shirt that said: Uncle – 1 Godfather – 0.

When Alec asked what is that supposed to mean he pulled out a onesie he had made for Mel that said: Uncle is my hero. Not that ducking godfather.

And so, the war began.

I’m guessing that’s part of the reason why Joy is still living with me.

“Crap is not a curse.”

“If I say it is, it means it is and now it’s banned from this house,” she says with a straight face, pulls out her phone and start typing away.

“Great,” I groan. “Let’s add on to my misery. Who are you texting?”


“What help?” My back straightens. Joy knows perfectly well how I feel about anyone helping me. I made my bed when I decided to raise my child all on my own and I will lay in it until the end.

“The one you desperately need.”

“Joy,” I growl.

“Oh, shut up.” She throws her arms up. “This whole ‘I can do it all’ crap stops now. You have a whole town waiting to come over and help, so you will take it.”

“So much for banning the word crap in this house,” I mumble. “And I do take their help or at least the meals they cook for me.” Joy ignores me and keeps texting. “Please, don’t tell me you literally texted the whole town?”

“It’s like you don’t know me at all. Do I look like I’m insane or have a death wish to you?”

“Well, you did marry Jacob, so I guess that’s up in the air at the moment.”

“Oh, look at you being funny.” She mock-smiles at me, and I fight the real smile trying to appear. “Your mommy is real jokester when she’s sleep-deprived, Mel.” Joy kisses the top of Mellie’s head. “I only texted the Fantastic Four.”

“Only?” I gape at her. “You might as well have posted it on Love Hive.

“Stop being dramatic, it doesn’t suit you.”

Not five minutes later, my front door flies open, and Fanny, Jenny, Nina, and Willa come inside.

“Nerds tagged along with us, hope you don’t mind.” Fanny throws her thumb over her shoulder toward my dad who just walked in as well. And yes, apparently Fanny likes to give everyone a candy nickname and somehow my dad received that one.

“That woman will be the death of me.” He sighs and embraces me in a hug, cooing to crying Mel in my arms.

“Baby, you really shouldn’t flirt with me like that in public.” Fanny waggles her eyebrows at him. “I have nothing against exhibitionism.”

My eyes grow wide. “Dad? Is there something I should know?”

“Nothing at all,” he answers too fast, raising my suspicions to a whole new level. It’s not that I don’t want him to be happy with someone, I’d love it, actually. He deserves it.

“Don’t worry.” She winks at me. “I’ll fill you in as soon as I wear him down.”

“Dear Lord,” I groan. “Please don’t. You guys are big kids, you can do whatever you’d like just without me knowing, okay?”

“There is nothing going on,” Dad snaps. “Now give me my granddaughter and go rest.”

“Go, honey.” Jenny pats my arm. “We got this for a few hours. And by this, I do mean Fanny.”