There Levine women were blessed with superior genetics and wit. I haven’t met Hope yet, their middle sister, but I could imagine she looked just as beautiful as these two. While I was contemplating suing every pregnancy website and book that has lied to me and told me the weight gain will be noticeable during third trimester, yet I keep growing more and more each day.
I don’t even have any pants to wear anymore. Andddd here comes a fresh wave of absolutely ridiculous tears.
Over pants.
“Okay!” Joy snaps and grips me by my shoulders bending over until her face is leveled with mine. “I’ve patiently endured these tears for a few days now, you’re welcome and I’ll take my thanks in the form of coffee and chocolate. But this stops now and what I mean is you are going to talk. Right this second.”
What do I do? That’s right, spill more tears that earn me a groan from Joy.
“I’m p-pregnant,” I manage to stutter out and the room grows silent. Yeah, that seems to be the standard reaction to my news.
Grace yelps quietly and slaps the palm of her hand across her mouth but Joy just stares at me without moving. Not one muscle on her face betraying what she’s really feeling.
“Are you sure?” Joy’s voice carries that deadly kind of calmness in it. It’s that kind of calm voice that lets you know there is anything but calmness behind it. But despite the goosebumps, something warms up inside my now very cold chest at her fierce protectiveness of me. Her hands are still on my shoulders but now she’s gripping me way stronger. I am not sure for whose sake but I’m grateful she’s keeping me from falling over.
“According to the science you and I love so much, yes, I am sure,” I answer her, and pull out the paper from my bag. The one with the blood work results. Joy takes the paper from my hands and all I see are her big brown eyes moving rapidly over the numbers and words on there.
“How am I supposed to do this Joy?”
“Fucking bastard!” She curses and folds the paper with extra force and leans over me again. “Okay, so I understand this whole ‘woe is me’ thing but that shit stops here and now. There is no more woe is me. There is no woe, period. From now on I need you to channel your inner ‘I am a cold heart bitch’ thing, mhkay? Because the Zoe I know? She can take on anything. She’s got this. You are a rock star Zoe Holsted! This child is lucky to have a mom like you and not have that sperm donor in his or her life, you hear me? And you are not alone! You have me and the rest of the Levine clan at your side as well.” I nod despite my insides still shaking with fear for the baby’s future but that’s the Dr. Levine effect for you. Her tone alone leaves no room for argument, and I swear I feel myself relax. Like she just set my world back on the right track that I couldn’t find by myself.
“Hell, I guess your baby even has an uncle now,” she adds, running her tongue over her teeth. “But the jury is still out on whether it’s a good or a bad thing. God knows, Jacob is nothing but bad influence.”
“Which Jacob? Your sexy Viking fake fiancé?” Yeah, there’s a whole lot more to her moving into the tiny house story.
Grace snickers. “Trust me there’s nothing fake about that,” she says, and Joy cuts her a look.
“Yeah. That one.”
“Um, why is your Jacob my baby’s uncle all of a sudden?”
“Didn’t I tell you? This duck-loving hippie is apparently Justin’s brother,” she clicks her tongue while I choke on mine.
“What?” I shriek.
“Mm-hmm. But that’s beside the point right now.”
Sure it is! But Joy doesn’t elaborate anymore.
“Now tell me did you see the doctor yet? How far along are you? Prenatals?” She started throwing questions at me and I was just nodding, shaking my head, or giving quick answers that I am ten weeks along and have been feeling like crap.
“Okay,” Joy claps her hands and reaches for her phone. “Jacob,” she says after a few seconds of rolling her eyes at the phone, “Cut the crap for one minute,” she pinches the bridge of her nose, “Don’t you dare get another ducky shirt or I swear I will serve it as breakfast for you tomorrow morning and no, I don’t care about the new bet you have going on with Alec, but speaking of him, grab my sister’s weirdo of a boyfriend and come to Fifi’s store.” I presume Jacob is asking why because Joy answers, “We need to get a fucking bed with the best mattress and chairs. Real. Comfortable. And food. Lots of food. So, we need Alec’s truck and your muscles.”
Joy hangs up and looks at Grace. “Luke better show up in the next five minutes at the store as well,” she says to her and Grace nods.
“Way ahead of you sister. He’s already on his way. So are mom, dad, and the rest of the Fantastic Four. They are so excited,” she claps her hands together looking like I just gave her an early birthday gift.
I have no idea what’s going on and who all of these people are – Fantastic Four? – but without any more questions, ten minutes later, what seems like half of Loverly Cave are walking around Fifi’s Goods with us, carrying blankets, plates, glasses, pillows and whole bunch of stuff to the register while asking me if I like this or that.
“Joy,” I hiss and pull on her arm. “What the hell is going on?”
“Nothing. Just making sure you are comfortable while you are here.”
“I am here for a week. I can manage with an air mattress and camping chairs.” I fold my arms across my chest because she is being ridiculous right now.
“That will be a big, fat no. Now stop pouting and choose a comforter.” She proceeds to lift up the one with cats in sunglasses all over it and the one with freaking rainbows with silly eyes on them.
My eyebrow quirks up all on its own, “You are serious right now?”