Page 103 of Tame the Beast

Years of not seeing each other and that’s what she has to say.

I didn’t realize I had given up hope for a normal relationship with her until this moment. Until I feel Matteo pulling me closer, as if landing me his strength and shields from her venom, allowing me to deal with her. To say my peace. I didn’t realize I no longer needed her approval or love until the words she spewed made no difference to me.

“You know, Kelly, it is none of your damn business who I had this baby with. It’s none of your business what my weight is. And it’s definitely none of your business how we parent our daughter.”

Never. I have never talked back to her. I have never stood up for myself and the stricken look on her face is living proof of that.

“I think that door is calling your name.” Matteo points to the exit. “What a waste of a trip.”


Kelly opens her mouth to undoubtedly say something ugly but the voices from outside interrupt her.

“I’m just going to talk to her, Nerds. Relax your buttocks.” The sounds travel from outside and a moment later Fanny kicks the door open, striding inside in all her neon green track suit glory.

“I know how you talk to people, Fanny. That waitress at the diner is still terrified to look at me anytime we are there,” my dad says to her, but his eyes are set on Kelly. “And just what the hell are you doing here?”

Why am I not even surprised that they somehow already knew she was here?

“Last I checked, she’s my daughter,” Kelly snarls back.

“Last I checked, you are no one to her,” Matteo adds.

“And last I checked, you didn’t care about her as long as you got your money,” my dad says, and we all turn to look at him.

“What money?” I ask, my eyes narrowed and dad’s shoulders sag as if the weight he’s been carrying all this time finally took its toll on him. But weight for what?

“Start talking, Nerds.”

“That was the only way she let me take you away back then.” His eyes lift to mine. “She was your blood-related parent, and no court would have given me parental rights over her. So, I struck a deal, promising to send monthly payments if she signed the custody papers.”

I don’t think I heard that right. That can’t be right, right? I knew she never thought I was good enough to be her daughter, but this? And my dad, this kind-hearted person whom I didn’t share a shred of blood with did whatever it took to get me out.

“How long?” is all I can ask.

“Until you turned eighteen.” He looks away.


“I would do it again and again,” he cuts me off. “There is nothing I wouldn’t do for my daughter. I’m just sorry I didn’t take her threats seriously this time.”

“What are you talking about?”

“She called last week, somehow figuring out you had a baby and saw it as another opportunity for easy cash, right Kelly?” But she doesn’t respond, only pursing her lips together and dad sighs heavily. “I should have just paid before she made this unwelcome visit.”

My eyes ping pong between them and the look on my mother’s face says it all. She did, in fact, come here just for that and my mouth goes dry.

“Damn it, Nerds. You are so hot right now.” Fanny sighs, looking at him like kid at an ice cream. Good for you, Dad, but I might be sick right now. Especially after this news.

“You all are so fucking weird!” Kelly shouts, and Matteo cuts a cold look her way.

“That will be twenty-five cents,” he says and walks up to her, his palm up.

“What?” She blinks at him.

“Twenty-five cents. We don’t swear in this house.”

“I’m not paying anything—”