“Grace just texted that they can’t make it. Something about Luke finishing another one of her romance novels.” Hope reads out a text message, and Joy mutters, “Thank God for small miracles.” While glaring at Jacob. “Who else did you text?”
“No one, I swear.” He lifts his hands up in surrender.
“Please kindly text her that we will not be showing up with ice packs and Advil again,” Joy responds. “She needs to get on our schedule after Zoe.”
“Oh my God, Joy!” I groan. “I will not be needing that tonight.”
“I happen to disagree.” Nina winks at me. “You look stunning.”
“Can I just say how happy I am that our plan has once again worked out,” Jenny adds with tears in her eyes, and I want to question what plan they’re talking about, but Mellie starts fussing, pulling my attention from the crazy women.
I swear my daughter can feel when Matteo is close by and is getting impatient with waiting for so long.
“Okay, just so we’re clear…” I turn to face the circus. “There is no plan. There will be no trash talking and definitely no body force,” I point to them.
“Oh, but she’s fine with Willa’s cocktails,” Fanny grumbles under her nose.
“Duh, that’s her mother-in-law.” Jenny elbows her.
“Hey, I am practically her stepmother! Where is my special treatment? Just one kick?” She looks to me half pleading, half with an unveiled threat.
“Jacob.” I look heavenward. “Thank your lucky stars that you’re married to my best friend and happen to be my daughter’s uncle, otherwise I’d unleash Fanny on you right about now for doing this.”
“I just wanted to help!”
“Baby, next time before you want to do anything, please talk to me first, mmkay?” Joy says. “I’m the brains in this family.”
“And what am I for?”
“Your hair and dick.”
“That’s all you need from me?” He sounds affronted and it’s quite the picture to see this huge Viking guy with tattoos pouting.
“Fine. Your sparkling personality as well.”
“Okay, change of plans.” I clap my hands together. “You’re all going home.”
“Kidding me? I’m not missing the cat fights.” Fanny pushes her way past me then hollers, “Plus, I promised your dad I’d play your bodyguard.”
“God, this just keeps getting better and better.”
“Well, if she gets to go, so do we,” Nina says, grabbing Jenny’s arm and they disappear into the bar.
“Okay, no offence, but for once, we are not in the eye of the shitstorm and I am not missing this show,” Alec adds and slips past me with Hope in tow who is throwing me an apologetic look.
“That will be twenty-five cents!” I yell after him, inhaling and exhaling deeply. “I hate you.” I shake my head at Jacob but before he opens his mouth to respond, Alec’s head pops back out.
“Hey, um, about that claim.” He clears his throat when we all stare at him. “You better get in here.” Alec disappears back inside.
What does that mean? What is going on inside there? I find my pulse beating wildly in my veins, that heart of mine galloping in my chest as my worst-case scenarios play out like a movie and before I can think twice, I storm inside.
“Now, aren’t you happy I brought backup, Wildflower?” I hear Jacob say but the sound is distant in my foggy brain.
Funny, before this guy crashed into my life, making himself a nice and cozy spot in there, I would never entertain a single murderous thought about another woman. I would simply walk away, nursing my yet again broken heart.
However, as soon as I step inside LPs and my eyes lock in on that skank’s hand on my man’s arm, there are no murderous thoughts in my head. Oh, no, they are now plans set in motion.